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Improved Interyarn Friction, Impact Response, and Stab Resistance of Surface Fibrilized Aramid Fabric


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Improvement of the ballistic performance of aramid fabric is an important topic in the study of soft body armors, especially with their increasing use in such applications over the past decades. To enhance and tailor the performance of fabrics, having control over one of its primary energy absorption mechanisms, interyarn friction, is required. Here, a recently reported surface fibrilization method is exploited and optimized to improve interyarn friction in aramid fabrics. Through tow pullout testing of fibrilized fabrics, the fibrilization treatment is shown to provide up to seven times higher pullout energy and six times higher peak load. To correlate the effects of the treatment on the ballistic response, impact tests are conducted on treated fabric targets using a gas gun setup. The fibrilized fabrics displayed a 10 m s(-1) increase in V-50 velocity, compared to that of untreated fabrics, while retaining its original flexibility and mechanical strength. Similarly, the fibrilization treatment also resulted in 230% improvement in depth of penetration when dynamically stabbed using a spike impactor. The results demonstrate the potential of the proposed surface fibrilization treatment as a fast and cost-effective technique to improve the ballistic and stab performance of aramid-based soft body armors.
机译:改善芳纶面料的弹道性能是软体护甲研究的重要课题,特别是过去几十年来越来越多地使用这些应用。为了增强和定制织物的性能,需要控制其一个主要能量吸收机制,interyarn摩擦。这里,利用最近报道的表面纤维化方法并优化以改善芳族织物中的interyarn摩擦。通过牵引式织物的牵引试验,纤维化处理显示出高达七倍的拉出能量和六倍峰值负荷。为了将治疗的影响与弹道反应相关联,使用气枪设置在处理过的织物靶标上进行冲击试验。与未处理的织物相比,纤维化织物显示为V-50速度的10m S(-1)增加,同时保留其原始柔韧性和机械强度。类似地,当使用尖端撞击器动态刺伤时,纤维化处理也导致渗透深度改善了230%。结果证明了所提出的表面原纤维化处理作为一种快速且经济高效的技术,以改善基于芳族芳酰胺的软体铠装的弹道和刺伤性能。



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