首页> 外文期刊>Acta Technica >Design of air pressure detection system based on sectionalized linear fitting

Design of air pressure detection system based on sectionalized linear fitting


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An improved air pressure detection system is proposed to solve th e problem in balancing linearity and operational speed of a regular air pressure detection system . O ur system utilizes an A tm egal6 m icrocontroller as th e controller, and a high-precision pressure sensor 10N1600A-T and 24-bit,AD chip HX711 to d etect the air pressure, to perform analog digital conversion and to process th e d a ta using an improved sectionalized linear fitting m ethod. D etection results can be displayed through the LED nixietube, and can be o u tp u t as a 0 to 5 V analog signal, an RS485 rem ote m ode, or a relay switch signal to m eet different control needs. O ur testin g proves th a t the system can accurately d etect th e pressure variation of 0 to 1600 k P a and the sectionalized term inal-based linear fitting m ethod can improve the system linearity and ensure the operational speed, so th a t th e subsequent control system can quickly and accurately respond to the pressure variation.
机译:提出了一种改进的空气压力检测系统来解决常规气压检测系统的平衡线性度和操作速度的解决方案。 o UR系统利用一个TM EGAL6 M ICrocontroller作为e控制器,以及高精度压力传感器10n1600a-t和24位,AD芯片HX711至D EETECT气压,进行模拟数字转换和处理eDA TA使用改进的分型线性拟合M Ethod。 D ETECET结果可以通过LED Nixietube显示,可以是0到5 V模拟信号,RS485 REM OTE M ode或继电器开关信号到MET不同的控制需求。 o o u restin g在系统上证明可以准确地d e eed t t t t t t t t T t T t t T t T t T t T e压力变化为0到1600 k p a和划分的术语基于术语线性拟合m enthod可以改善系统线性度并确保运行速度,所以 E后续控制系统可以快速准确地响应压力变化。



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