首页> 外文期刊>Advanced Science Letters >Associative Cluster Head Based Fault Recovery Method for Wireless Sensor Networks

Associative Cluster Head Based Fault Recovery Method for Wireless Sensor Networks


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Due to growing interest in the usage of sensors, endorsed by variety of applications the wireless sensor network has attracted many researchers and industrialist. They addressed huge number of problems. Through the effective solutions it gave rise to new dimension to the problem. TheWireless Sensor Networks are constructed using sensors, deployed in wide area which is limited by its capacity in terms storage, computing, communication and energy. So researchers faced quite number of issues in addressing the user requirement as well. To address communication related issuesLEACH protocol is used. LEACH uses clustering concept to address the above mentioned issue headed by Cluster heads and resulted good performance. The proposed work addresses the failure of Cluster Head and to continue smooth communication without any failure. This work aims to present theassociative cluster head and results shows comparatively good performance.
机译:由于对传感器的使用感兴趣,通过各种应用辅导,无线传感器网络吸引了许多研究人员和工业家。 他们解决了大量问题。 通过有效的解决方案,它对问题产生了新的维度。 无线传感器网络使用传感器构建,在广域中部署的传感器,其在术语存储,计算,通信和能量中受到其容量的限制。 因此,研究人员面临了相当多的问题在解决用户需求方面。 要解决通信相关的问题,请使用相关问题。 Leach使用聚类概念来解决由群集头部领导的上述问题,并导致表现良好。 拟议的工作解决了群集头的失败,并继续进行平滑的沟通,而不会发生任何故障。 这项工作旨在呈现过量的簇头,结果表现得相对良好。



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