首页> 外文期刊>Advanced Science Letters >Factors Affecting Mothers of Young Children to Work and Leave Their Children in Non Daycare or Daycare Type in Four Cities of South Sumatra Province of Indonesia

Factors Affecting Mothers of Young Children to Work and Leave Their Children in Non Daycare or Daycare Type in Four Cities of South Sumatra Province of Indonesia


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This article is a summary of some prior research and is based on the theory of supply labor in the household, especially for married women is about the factors that affect working mothers. The difference is the mother’s work, noting the presence of young children (under five years)who left the mother to work and move-owned child care to child care. Child care nominal data type that is dummy type non daycare and type of daycare. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors that mothers of young children to keep working after a period of maternity leave is over.Respondents from four cities located in the province of South Sumatra Indonesia. The sample size was measured by using the formula of Isaac and Michael as many as 348 respondents. The unit of analysis is the study of working mothers of young children, who have a clear working hours are from08:00 to 16:00 pm. Using multiple linear regression analysis techniques and non-parametric technique using the Jackknife method on Stata software. It was found that the significant effect only partial variable income respondents, respondents duration in years of work and dummy typesof child care on the number of hours worked per day mothers. Meanwhile the other independent variables only have a significant impact simultaneously to the number of working hours per day mothers. It was concluded that the mother continued to work because of personal respondents themselves.From the interviews that the respondents had regular work, self-contained and have their own income. Supported data as much as 71.55% of respondents who work the newly married first. The findings in this study differs from previous research studies regarding the factors working mothers andchild care, which take into consideration the type variable child care for working mothers as the independent variable is dummy type of child care.



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