首页> 外文期刊>Cryogenics >Heat transfer in electrical insulation of LHC cables cooled with superfluid helium

Heat transfer in electrical insulation of LHC cables cooled with superfluid helium


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The electrical insulation of the Large HadronCollider (LHC) cables constitutes a thermal barrier between theconductor and the superfluid helium bath. This can preventremoval of the heat dissipated in the cable by the current rise in thedipoles or by the beam losses. The main experimental results,obtained with stacks of insulated conductors representing a pieceof the actual coil, are given. The mock-ups vary only by thematerial composition and the structure of the electrical insulation.Analysis of the temperature distribution measured in theconductors as a function of the dissipated heat power makes itpossible to determine the dominant heat transfer mode in each typeof tested insulation and to classify these according to theirpermeability to superfluid helium. Thermal numerical modellingvalues of the thermal quantities characteristic of each insulation.The results of these studies have led to the choice of the cableinsulation of the LHC magnets. 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:大型HADRONCOLLIDER(LHC)电缆的电绝缘构成壳体和超流氦浴之间的热屏障。这可以通过当前血管或光束损耗来预防电缆中消散的热量。给出了具有代表实际线圈的一体的绝缘导体的主要实验结果。模型仅通过整体组成和电绝缘结构而变化。作为耗散热功率的函数在该函数中测量的温度分布的分析使得可以确定每个类型的测试绝缘和分类的主导传热模式。这些根据其对超氟氦的渗透性。每绝缘材料的热量特征的热数型型号。这些研究的结果导致了LHC磁体的电缆的选择。 2000年elestvier科学有限公司保留所有权利。



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