首页> 外文期刊>Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica: Official Publication of the Nordisk Forening for Obstetrik och Gynekologi >Influence of pregnancy on cardiac function and hemodynamics in women with Ebstein's anomaly

Influence of pregnancy on cardiac function and hemodynamics in women with Ebstein's anomaly


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Abstract Introduction We examined the perinatal outcomes and right ventricular function before pregnancy, during pregnancy, and after delivery in women with Ebstein's anomaly. Material and methods We retrospectively investigated the clinical course and mode of delivery and monitored hemodynamic parameters throughout pregnancy in 17 women with Ebstein's anomaly who delivered at our institution during the period of 1995–2015. Results Eight women, including nine pregnancies, underwent elective cesarean section, and nine women, including 14 pregnancies, underwent vaginal delivery. Elective cesarean section was performed in cases with significant heart failure or arrhythmias and in the presence of more than two of the following: cardiothoracic ratio ≥60%, moderate or severe tricuspid valve regurgitation, tricuspid valve regurgitation pressure gradient ≥35?mmHg during pregnancy. The cardiothoracic ratio and tricuspid valve regurgitation pressure gradient significantly increased during pregnancy compared with prepregnancy values. The New York Heart Association classification deteriorated from class I to class II or III in five cases during pregnancy. Conclusions Although pregnancy was relatively safe among women with Ebstein's anomaly, some women developed cyanosis, arrhythmia, and heart failure, leading to elective cesarean section. Monitoring clinical and hemodynamic changes throughout pregnancy is advised to minimize maternal cardiac risk and select the appropriate mode of delivery.
机译:摘要介绍我们在怀孕期间检查了围困结果和右心室功能,怀孕期间和患有Ebstein的异常的女性交付后。材料和方法我们回顾性地调查了在1995 - 2015年期间在我们的机构交付的17名妇女的17名妇女期间妊娠期临床过程和监测血液动力学参数。结果八名妇女,包括九个怀孕,接受选修剖宫产和九名妇女,其中包括14名怀孕,经过阴道分娩。在具有显着心力衰竭或心律失常的情况下进行选修剖宫源,并且存在于以下两种以下的情况下:心肌差距≥60%,中等或严重的三尖瓣反流,三尖瓣反流压力梯度≥35?MMHG在怀孕期间。与预妊娠值相比,妊娠期间,心脏植物比和三尖瓣反流梯度显着增加。纽约心脏协会分类在怀孕期间五件案例中从II级或III级恶化。结论虽然怀孕患有Ebstein异常的女性相对安全,但一些女性发育了紫绀,心律失常和心力衰竭,导致选修剖宫产。建议在妊娠期间监测临床和血液动力学变化,以最大限度地减少母体心脏风险,并选择适当的交付方式。



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