首页> 外文期刊>Acta of Bioengineering and Biomechanics >Correlations of somatic traits and postural defects in girls and boys aged 10-12

Correlations of somatic traits and postural defects in girls and boys aged 10-12


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Background: The aim of the study was to analyse correlations between somatic features and variables of postural defects in girls and boys aged 10-12. Methods: The study included 301 children aged 10-12. Variables of somatic features were assessed using the method of bioelectrical impedance analysis - BIA, which consists of the evaluation of resistance to the flow of an electric current. Body posture was examined via the optoelectronic method - Diers formetric III 4D - using raster stereography. Results: The majority of participants demonstrated proper somatic features. Over half of the studied children had scoliotic posture, while a small group comprised those with scoliosis. Cases of reduced kyphosis and shallowed lordosis were also observed. Significant relationships were noted between somatic features and postural defect variables. Conclusion: Body posture is a psychomotor habit that is associated with somatic development, composition and body structure. Along proper body composition and somatic structure, shaping the habit of correct posture is much easier. Both in the prevention and correction of postural defects, one should gradually move away from the unilateral, usually singlecomponent therapeutic effect. An approach considering both somatic and morphological as well as neurophysiological, emotional-volitional and environmental factors seems to be appropriate.
机译:背景:该研究的目的是分析10-12岁的女孩和男孩的躯体特征与姿势缺陷变量之间的相关性。方法:该研究包括10-12岁的301名儿童。使用生物电阻抗分析方法评估体细胞特征的变量,该方法包括对电流流动的抗性的评估。通过光电方法 - DIES碎片III 4D检测身体姿势 - 使用光栅矫形器。结果:大多数参与者都表现出适当的体制特征。超过一半的学习的孩子患有羽毛病的姿势,而一个小团体包含脊柱侧凸的小组。还观察到减少脊柱和浅脊髓源性病例。体躯体特征与姿势缺陷变量之间有重大关系。结论:身体姿势是一种与体细胞发育,组成和体结构相关的精神热习惯。沿着适当的身体成分和体细胞结构,塑造正确姿势的习惯要容易得多。无论是在预防和矫正姿势缺陷中,人们都应该逐渐远离单侧,通常是单侧的,通常是单一的单次组合治疗效果。考虑到体细胞和形态学以及神经生理,情感,情感和环境因素的方法似乎是合适的。



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