首页> 外文期刊>Czech Mycology >First report of Paraconiothyrium fuckelii (Didymosphaeriaceae, Pleosporales), causing stem canker in Rosa hybrida, from Iran

First report of Paraconiothyrium fuckelii (Didymosphaeriaceae, Pleosporales), causing stem canker in Rosa hybrida, from Iran


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In spring 2016, stem canker symptoms were observed on most Rosa hybrida plants in greenhouses of Kermanshah Province in Western Iran. Initial symptoms of the disease were brown necrotic lesions, mostly 8-10 mm long, on stems. The lesions eventually depressed and expanded to a long ellipse, resulting in yellowing and wilting of the foliage. Fungal colonies resembling those of Paraconiothyrium species were obtained from diseased tissues. Based on morphological and DNA sequence analysis of the internaltranscribed spacers ITS1 and ITS2 and the 5.8S gene the fungal isolates were identified as Paraconiothyrium fuckelii. This is the first report of stem canker disease caused by this species in Iran.Pathogenicity tests were carried out on potted Rosa hybrida plants and detached branches under controlled conditions. Pathogenicity tests demonstrated that the fungus is able to infect and cause canker symptoms on inoculated branches of healthy plants after four weeks. The pathogen was re-isolated from all inoculated plants after observation of the symptoms, thus meeting Koch's postulates.
机译:2016年春季,在伊朗西部Kermanshah省温室的大多数Rosa Hybrida植物上观察到干溃疡症状。疾病的初始症状是棕色坏死病变,大多为8-10毫米,在茎上。病变最终抑制并扩展到了长椭圆,导致叶子的变黄和疲劳。类似于亚邻旁阳离子物种的真菌菌落是从患病组织获得的。基于内部段落间隔物的形态学和DNA序列分析及其2和5.8S基因,真菌分离株被鉴定为帕拉科替替米什。这是伊朗这种物种引起的茎溃疡病的第一份报告。在受控条件下,在盆栽的罗莎杂交植物和分离的分支上进行了植物学性测试。致病性试验表明,真菌能够在四周后接种健康植物的接种分支的溃疡症状。在观察症状后,从所有接种植物中重新分离病原体,从而达到Koch的假设。



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