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From seed production to seedling establishment: Important steps in an invasive process


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It is widely accepted that exotic invasive species are one of the most important ecological and economic problems. Reproductive and establishment traits are considered key features of a population expansion process, but few works have studied many of these simultaneously. This work examines how large the differences are in reproductive and establishment traits between two Fabaceae, the exotic invasive, Gleditsia triacanthos and the native, Acacia aroma. Gleditsia is a serious leguminous woody invader in various parts of the world and Acacia is a common native tree of Argentina. Both species have similar dispersal mechanisms and their reproductive phenology overlaps. We chose 17 plants of each species in a continuous forest of the Chaco Serrano Forest of Cordoba, Argentina. In each plant we measured fruit production, fruit removal (exclusion experiments), seed predation (pre- and post-dispersal), seed germination, seed bank (on each focal tree, three sampling periods during the year), and density of seedlings (around focal individuals and randomly in the study site). Gleditsia presented some traits that could favour the invasion process, such as a higher number of seeds per plant, percentage of scarified seed germination and density of seedlings around the focal individuals, than Acacia. On the other hand, Gleditsia presented a higher percentage of seed predation. The seed bank was persistent in both species and no differences were observed in fruit removal. This work highlights the importance of simultaneously studying reproductive and establishment variables involved in the spreading of an exotic invasive species. It also gives important insight into the variables to be considered when planning management strategies. The results are discussed from the perspective of some remarkable hypotheses on invasive species and may contribute to rethinking some aspects of the theory on invasive species.
机译:外来入侵物种是最重要的生态和经济问题之一,这一点已被广泛接受。生殖和定居特征被认为是人口扩张过程的关键特征,但是很少有作品同时研究其中许多特征。这项工作研究了两种豆科(外来入侵种Gleditsia triacanthos和本地相思树香气)在生殖和定植性状上的差异有多大。刺参在世界各地是一种严重的豆科木本入侵者,而相思树是阿根廷常见的本土树种。两种物种都有相似的扩散机制,它们的生殖物候重叠。我们在阿根廷科尔多瓦的查科塞拉诺森林的连续森林中选择了每种植物的17种植物。在每种植物中,我们测量了果实产量,果实去除(排除实验),种子捕食(分散前和分散后),种子发芽,种子库(每棵重点树上的种子库,一年中的三个采样期)和幼苗的密度(在研究对象周围并随机在研究地点进行)。与金合欢相比,皂荚呈现出一些有利于入侵过程的特征,例如每株植物的种子数量更多,种子发芽的百分率以及焦点个体周围的幼苗密度。另一方面,皂角提供了更高比例的种子捕食。种子库在两个物种中都是持久的,并且在果实去除方面没有观察到差异。这项工作强调了同时研究与外来入侵物种的传播有关的生殖和基础变量的重要性。它还对计划管理策略时要考虑的变量提供了重要的见解。从关于入侵物种的一些非凡假设的角度讨论了结果,并且可能有助于重新思考入侵物种理论的某些方面。



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