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Strap-On Stool for Field Work


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The July, 2005 issue of Growing for Market featured a short article on this device, in which editor Lynn Byczynski listed the web address for the Healthy Farmers, Healthy Profits Project at the University of Wisconsin, from which the piece below is taken. Readers may find a visit to the site worthwhile, as it gives information on several labor/joint-saving tools, and tips on organizing work areas for efficiency and ease of use. The site is located at . Stoop labor is unavoidable on berry and vegetable farms, since at times the plants and soil need to be tended by hand. If you spend too much time stooping, kneeling or squatting, you may experience fatigue, muscle soreness or injuries. One alternative is to use an adjustable, strap-on stool that lets you sit while you work.
机译:2005年7月,为市场增长的问题出现了一篇关于这家设备的简短文章,其中,编辑Lynn Byczynski列出了健康农民的网址,威斯康星大学的健康利润项目,从中采取了下面的作品。 读者可能会发现对该网站的访问值得注意,因为它提供了有关若干劳动/联合节省工具的信息,以及组织工作领域的提示,以获得效率和易用性。 该网站位于。 弯腰劳动力在浆果和蔬菜农场是不可避免的,因为有时植物和土壤需要用手倾向。 如果您花了太多时间弯曲,跪或蹲下,您可能会遇到疲劳,肌肉酸痛或伤害。 一种替代方案是使用可调节的表带凳,让您在您工作时坐下。



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