首页> 外文期刊>Cryogenics >Example of cryogenic process simulation using EcosimPro: LHC beam screen cooling circuits

Example of cryogenic process simulation using EcosimPro: LHC beam screen cooling circuits


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CERN has developed a dedicated library to model helium cryogenic plants with a commercial software called EcosimPro. The aim of such a library is to provide a simple way to model small and large scale cryo genic systems performing dynamic simulations in an acceptable timescale to assist both control and operation teams in the optimal commissioning and operation of cryogenic plants. Moreover, the tool allows users to easily develop models related to their specific components such as cryogenic transfer lines or superconducting magnets. During the last few years, this library has been used to model several CERN cryogenic systems. The models have been used for different purposes, e.g. operator training, virtual commissioning of control systems and control optimization. This paper briefly presents EcosimPro with the cryogenic library developed at CERN and gives an example of modeling the LHC beam screen cooling circuits showing simulation results compared with experimental data.



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