首页> 外文期刊>Current pharmaceutical design >Blastocystis sp., Parasite Associated with Gastrointestinal Disorders: An Overview of its Pathogenesis, Immune Modulation and Therapeutic Strategies

Blastocystis sp., Parasite Associated with Gastrointestinal Disorders: An Overview of its Pathogenesis, Immune Modulation and Therapeutic Strategies


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Blastocystis sp. is a unicellular parasitic microorganism commonly found in the gastrointestinal tracts of humans and animals. It causes symptomatic or asymptomatic infection and its route of transmission is via fecal-oral. High prevalence of Blastocystis infection in developing countries is usually due to poor hygiene practices, exposure to animals infected with the parasite and intake of contaminated water or food. Blastocystis infected individuals often suffer from diarrhea, abdominal pain, nausea, and stomach bloating. Even though pathogenicity of Blastocystis is unclear, it is commonly associated with irritable bowel syndrome. In this review, we have analysed the evidence that shows the association between this microorganism and gastrointestinal disorders. There have been a number of studies which showed that the pathogenicity of Blastocystis is related to its different STs. The pathogenicity is speculated to be due to cysteine proteases formation which stimulates mucosal cells to release interleukin-8 which has been associated with extreme dehydration and gut inflammation. In vitro studies on human colonic epithelial cells revealed that incubation of Blastocystis modulated the host immune response by stimulating the formation of pro-inflammatory cytokines and granulocyte macrophage colony-stimulating factor. Metronidazole is found to be the first-line drug of choice. Another treatment option is the combination therapy with trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole.
机译:胚泡SP。是一种常见于人类和动物的胃肠道中的单细胞寄生微生物。它会导致症状或无症状感染,并且它的速度途径通过粪便口服。发展中国家胚泡感染的高患病率通常是由于卫生实践差,暴露于感染寄生虫和摄入污染的水或食物的动物。胚泡感染的个体经常患腹泻,腹痛,恶心和胃腹胀。尽管囊胚的致病性尚不清楚,但它通常与肠易激综合征有关。在本综述中,我们分析了显示该微生物与胃肠道疾病之间的关联的证据。已经有许多研究表明,胚泡的致病性与其不同的STS有关。拟催发性是由于半胱氨酸蛋白酶形成,其刺激粘膜细胞以释放与极端脱水和肠道炎症有关的白细胞介素-8。对人性结肠上皮细胞的体外研究表明,胚泡孵育通过刺激促炎细胞因子和粒细胞巨噬细胞菌刺激因子来调节宿主免疫应答。甲硝唑被发现是第一线的选择药物。另一种治疗选择是用Trimethokim /磺胺甲恶唑的组合治疗。



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