首页> 外文期刊>Acta oecologica >Population dynamics and vertical distribution of enchytraeids and tardigrades in response to deforestation

Population dynamics and vertical distribution of enchytraeids and tardigrades in response to deforestation


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In order to increase our present knowledge of the potential impacts of deforestation on the soil ecosystem, we investigated the responses of enchytraeid and tardigrade populations to tree harvesting. The study was conducted in an area of ca. 10 ha located at an altitude of approximately 450 in in the surroundings of the University campus (Vigo, Pontevedra, Spain). Pine forest (Pinus pinaster Aiton), with an average density of 400 trees/ha ranging between 10 and 20 years of age, and some young oaks (Quercus robur L.) were covering the area. At the end of the summer 1995, approximately 50% of the area was harvested. Soil and animal samples were taken from May 1996 to April 1997 at monthly intervals in both forested and deforested areas. Removal of the trees resulted in a significant effect on enchytraeid population numbers and their response was species-dependent in terms of changes in both population numbers and vertical distribution. Higher mortality rates of enchytraeids were recorded in the absence of trees. August seemed to have been critical for survival of all enchytraeid species as no individuals were found in that month and only a few recovered in the following month. Only Cognettia sphagnetorum showed vertical migration in order to avoid adverse conditions. Tardigrades were more abundant in the deforested areas; their ability to enter in a resistant stage could have enabled them to overcome adverse environmental conditions. It is concluded that harvesting of the trees has changed the soil environment and that differences in moisture and temperature conditions are not sufficient to explain the observed differences. The forest soils contained more organic matter than those in the deforested area and therefore differences in the amount and/or quality of the organic matter could be one of the possible explanations for the observed changes in enchytraeid abundance when the forest is removed. (C) 2002 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved. [References: 47]
机译:为了增加我们目前对森林砍伐对土壤生态系统潜在影响的认识,我们调查了肠轮生和缓速种群对树木采伐的反应。这项研究是在约一个地区进行的。位于大学校园(西班牙蓬特韦德拉的维戈)周围海拔约450公顷的10公顷土地。松林(Pinus pinaster Aiton)的平均密度为400棵树/公顷,年龄在10至20岁之间,一些幼小的橡树(Quercus robur L.)也覆盖了该地区。在1995年夏末,大约收获了该地区的50%。从1996年5月至1997年4月,每月在森林和森林砍伐地区采集土壤和动物样本。清除树木对包虫种群数量有显着影响,就种群数量和垂直分布的变化而言,它们的反应均取决于物种。在没有树木的情况下,记录到的糊剂死亡率更高。 8月似乎对所有类肠线虫物种的生存都是至关重要的,因为该月没有发现任何个体,在随后的一个月中仅恢复了少数。为了避免不利条件,只有球形夜蛾显示垂直迁移。在被砍伐的森林地区,柏油纲动物更为丰富。他们进入抵抗阶段的能力可能使他们克服了不利的环境条件。结论是树木的采伐改变了土壤环境,水分和温度条件的差异不足以解释观察到的差异。森林土壤比森林砍伐地区含有更多的有机物,因此有机物的量和/或质量的差异可能是去除森林后所观察到的肠线虫丰度变化的可能解释之一。 (C)2002版《科学与医学》 Elsevier SAS。版权所有。 [参考:47]



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