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Urban Expansion, Agrarian Shifts, and Decentralized Governance in Thailand's Isaan Region


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The Thai government has increasingly sought to expand urban growth in provinces characterized by agricultural production. However, urbanization's structural changes alter natural resource availabilities, encumbering agrarian families, and constraininglivelihood options. In an effort to map state development and urban growth objectives to local conditions, the Thai state has supported regional autonomy by decentralizing decision-making powers to localities. Here, we seek to explore the ways in whichdecentralized governance provides avenues for agrarian families located in urbanizing spaces to negotiate anxieties and desires with the Thai state, including broad concerns of sustainability, livelihood rights, and market opportunities. We consider howagrarian households understand the economic and ecological effects of urbanization, shifting the focus to agrarian families' agency—how families diversify household livelihoods and employ migration to enhance economic portfolios. Ultimately, by doing so, we examine the intersections between urbanization, development, and agrarian livelihoods, situated within practical and theoretical discussions of decentralized governance in Thailand.
机译:泰国政府越来越努力扩大农业生产省份的城市增长。然而,城市化的结构变化改变了自然资源可用性,抵押物理家庭和约束活动选择。努力将国家发展和城市增长目标映射到当地条件,泰国国家通过将决策权分配给地方性,支持区域自治。在这里,我们寻求探讨其中,其中有哪些指出的治理为城市化空间中的农业家庭提供了往来,以谈判焦虑和追求泰国国的愿望,包括广泛关切可持续性,生计权利和市场机会。我们认为霍德拉家庭了解城市化的经济和生态影响,将重点转移到农业家庭的代理 - 家庭如何使家庭生计多样化,并雇用移民以加强经济组合。最终,通过这样做,我们研究了城市化,发展和农业生计之间的交叉路口,位于泰国的分散治理的实际和理论讨论范围内。



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