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Structure of the protozooplankton community in a tropical shallow and eutrophic lake in Brazil


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Monte Ale-re Lake is a shallow, eutrophic and polymictic reservoir situated in Southeastern Brazil. Seasonal distributions of planktonic protozoans (HgCl2 fixed samples) and bacteria (AODC) were sampled at the surface and bottom, fortnightly from April 1988 to March 1989. Species composition and biomass (wet weight) of protozooplankton were analysed. Protozoan densities ranged from 3.60 x 10(3) to 3.89 x 10(5) ind l(-1) at the surface and from 7.11 x 10(3) to 9.75 x 10(4) ind l(-1) at the bottom, and the biomass ranged from 37 to 1170 mug l(-1) and from 63 to 4958 mug l(-1). The highest densities and biomass of both protozoans and bacteria were detected during the water column stratification period with anoxia at the bottom (warm-wet season). The smallest protozoan species prevailed at the surface and the largest at the bottom. Chlamydophrys sp., Arcella hemisphaerica, Mesodinium pulex and Halteria grandinella were numerically more important. On the other hand, Holophrya cf. discolor. Arcella hemisphaerica, Paramecium spp. and Spirostomum teres were dominant in biomass. Coccoid bacterial cells were abundant, except during the wet season when a phototrophic elongated ovoid bacterium, Thiopedia rosea, accounted for 61% of the total bacterial biomass at the bottom. The controlling factor of the protozooplankton is probably the food availability (bacteria) associated with dissolved oxygen and high temperatures. (C) 2003 Editions scientifiques et medicales Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved. [References: 26]
机译:Monte Ale-re湖是位于巴西东南部的浅层,富营养化和多晶体的水库。 1988年4月至1989年3月,每两周对浮游原生动物(HgCl2固定样本)和细菌(AODC)的季节性分布进行采样。分析了原始浮游动物的物种组成和生物量(湿重)。原生动物的密度在表面范围为3.60 x 10(3)至3.89 x 10(5)ind l(-1),在底部范围为7.11 x 10(3)至9.75 x 10(4)ind l(-1) ,生物量范围从37到1170马克杯l(-1)和63到4958马克杯l(-1)。在水柱分层期间检测到原生动物和细菌的最高密度和最高生物量,底部为缺氧(湿湿季节)。最小的原生动物种类盛行于表面,最大的原生于底部。在数量上,衣原体,Arcella hemisphaerica,Mesodinium pulex和Halteria grandinella更为重要。另一方面,Holophrya参见。变色。弓形虫,草履虫属。螺旋藻在生物量中占主导地位。球状细菌细胞丰富,除了在湿润季节,光养长卵形细菌玫瑰色拟南芥(Thiopedia rosea)占底部细菌总生物量的61%。原生动物浮游生物的控制因素可能是与溶解氧和高温有关的食物供应(细菌)。 (C)2003版《科学与医学》 Elsevier SAS。版权所有。 [参考:26]



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