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The effects of ice storm on seed rain and seed limitation in an evergreen broad-leaved forest in east China


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Extreme climatic events almost universally play a major role in influencing the composition and structure of plant and animal communities, and thus could influence seed production, seed dispersal and seedling recruitment. We explored the effects of ice storm damage on seed rain and seed limitation in a 24-ha permanent forest plot in an evergreen broad-leaved forest in east China. We compared seed production before and after the storm in 2008. We evaluated the following hypotheses: 1) seed production after the ice storm was less than that before the storm; 2) seed limitation after the storm was more severe than before the storm. The results showed that seeds from one species, Eurya muricata, dominated the seed rain after the storm, accounting for more than half of the total seeds. Post-ice storm seed production of species other than E. muricata was only one fifth of that before the storm. Seed production in the second year after the ice storm recovered to pre-storm levels. The results indicate large inter-specific variation in response to the ice storm. Disturbance caused by the ice storm greatly increased seed diversity. The Jaccard similarity of species before and after the ice storm was 58%. There was no significant difference in seed limitation or dispersal limitation before and after the storm, but there was a significant difference in source limitation. Neither seed limitation nor dispersal limitation was correlated with dispersal modes. Only source limitation for rodent dispersed species increased after the ice storm.
机译:极端的气候事件几乎普遍地在影响动植物群落的组成和结构中起主要作用,因此可能影响种子的生产,种子的传播和幼苗的募集。我们在中国东部常绿阔叶林的24公顷永久性森林地带中研究了冰暴破坏对种子降雨和种子限制的影响。我们比较了2008年暴风雨前后的种子产量。我们评估了以下假设:1)冰暴后的种子产量低于暴风雨之前的种子产量; 2)暴风雨后的种子限制比暴风雨前更严重。结果显示,暴风雨过后,一种植物的种子,欧洲毛m(Eurya muricata)的种子雨占主导地位,占种子总数的一半以上。除毛uri外,其他物种的冰后风暴种子产量仅是风暴前产量的五分之一。冰暴后第二年的种子产量恢复到暴风雨前的水平。结果表明,响应于冰暴,种间差异较大。冰暴造成的干扰大大增加了种子的多样性。冰风暴前后物种的杰卡德相似度为58%。暴风前后,种子限制或扩散限制没有显着差异,但来源限制有显着差异。种子限制和分散限制均与分散模式无关。在冰暴之后,只增加了啮齿动物分散物种的来源限制。



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