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Latitudinal clines in bill length and sex ratio in a migratory shorebird: a case of resource partitioning?


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Sexual segregation outside the mating season is common in vertebrates. This has been shown to arise through resource partitioning in a number of taxa, but never in avian migrants. Western sandpipers (Calidris mauri) are migratory shorebirds that mainly breed in Alaska and overwinter along the coast in western and eastern North America down into South America. Females are slightly larger than males but have substantially longer bills. They migrate further south, resulting in a latitudinal bias in sex ratio. Resource partitioning could contribute to this pattern if (1) males and females forage on invertebrates buried at different sediment depths, and if (2) average prey burying depth changes with latitude. In accordance with the hypothesis, it was shown that female western sandpipers used a probing foraging mode more than males. Comparison of individuals overwintering in California, Mexico and Panama revealed that length of tarsus did not change among sites, while bill length increased in both males and females towards the south. Bill length residuals, corrected for length of tarsus, were also larger at a southern site. Between and within sexes, individuals with longer bills are thought to be favoured at southern latitudes because of a postulated general increase in invertebrate burying depth with higher ambient temperatures at lower latitudes. The implications of these findings for the evolution of sexual bill size dimorphism in shorebirds are discussed. (c) 2005 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
机译:交配季节以外的性别隔离在脊椎动物中很普遍。事实证明,这是通过在许多生物分类中进行资源分配而引起的,但从未在禽类移徙者中发生。西部sand(Calidris mauri)是候鸟,主要在阿拉斯加繁殖,并在北美西部和东部沿海岸越冬直至南美。女性比男性略大,但账单则更长。他们向南迁移,导致性别比例出现纬度偏见。如果(1)雄性和雌性在不同沉积深度埋没的无脊椎动物中觅食,并且(2)平均猎物掩埋深度随纬度变化,则资源分配可能有助于这种模式。根据该假设,结果表明,西部雌性used使用探测性觅食模式的比例高于雄性。比较加利福尼亚,墨西哥和巴拿马的越冬个体,发现sites骨的长度在各地点之间没有变化,而南部的男性和女性的账单长度都增加了。票据长度的残差(经架长度校正)在南部站点也更大。在性别之间或性别内部,账单较长的个人在南部纬度被认为是受青睐的,因为假定低纬度环境温度较高时,无脊椎动物的埋藏深度普遍增加。讨论了这些发现对水鸟性法案大小二态性演变的影响。 (c)2005 Elsevier SAS。版权所有。



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