首页> 外文期刊>Acta oecologica >Effects of excluding goat herbivory on Acacia tortilis woodland around pastoralist settlements in northwest Kenya

Effects of excluding goat herbivory on Acacia tortilis woodland around pastoralist settlements in northwest Kenya


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Browsing by goats is considered to cause poor tree regeneration and reduced tree growth around settlements throughout the arid zones of sub-Saharan Africa. This study investigated whether excluding goats from Acacia tortilis woodlands increased tree regeneration, current season's shoot growth rates and browse production over a period of 52 months between 1986 and 1990. The study also investigated the effects of climatic variability on tree growth and browse production. Excluding goal herbivory provided no advantage over continuous browsing for juvenile A. tortilis. Trees on the unbrowsed and on browsed transects increased by 22.2 (standard error [SE] +/- 0.53) cm.yr(-1) and 25.0 (SE +/- 0.58) cm.yr(-1) respectively. Fewer but longer shoots were produced by trees on the unbrowsed transects, while trees on the browsed transects invested more in shorter shoots. Net total browse production was lower on unbrowsed (1.73 [standard deviation (SD) +/- 4.3] t.ha(-1).yr(-1)) than on the browsed (3.03 [SD +/- 3.6] t.ha(-1).yr(-1)) transects. Biomass production on unbrowsed and browsed transects was closely correlated with rainfall and presumably soil moisture during wet seasons. Relative growth rates (RGR) of current season's shoots in the two treatments did not differ, implying goat herbivory at moderate stocking density (i.e. 13.0 tropical livestock units [TLU] .km(-2)) stimulated shoot growth. RGR remained positive except on the browsed transects during 1990, a dry year. Goat browsing pressure was moderate. Total biomass loss on unbrowsed transects was 15.5 %.yr(-1) compared with 27.7 %.yr(-1) on the browsed transects. These findings do not support the notion that goats always destroy young tries around settlements. Goat herbivory at moderate intensity stimulated shoot productivity. However, the results should not be used to generalize all conditions throughout sub-Saharan Africa, let alone the arid zones of northern Kenya. Rather, there is a need to emphasize individual case studies that ultimately can be used for managing degraded woodlands near pastoralist settlements. (C) Elsevier, Paris. [References: 39]
机译:山羊浏览被认为会导致整个撒哈拉以南非洲干旱地区的定居点周围树木再生不良,树木生长减少。这项研究调查了从1986年到1990年的52个月中,从相思树林地中排除山羊是否会增加树木的再生,当前季节的枝条生长率和浏览量。该研究还调查了气候变化对树木生长和浏览量的影响。排除目标食草没有提供比连续浏览幼年曲霉的优势。未浏览和浏览的样条上的树分别增加了22.2(标准误差[SE] +/- 0.53)cm.yr(-1)和25.0(SE +/- 0.58)cm.yr(-1)。未浏览样带上的树木产生的芽少而长,而浏览样带上的树木在较短的芽上投入更多。未浏览(1.73 [标准偏差(SD)+/- 4.3] t.ha(-1).yr(-1))上的浏览总净产量低于浏览(3.03 [SD +/- 3.6] t。 ha(-1).yr(-1))样线。在未浏览和浏览的样带上,生物量的产生与降雨以及湿季的土壤湿度密切相关。两种处理中本季芽的相对生长率(RGR)没有差异,这表明中等放养密度(即13.0热带牲畜单位[TLU] .km(-2))下的山羊食草刺激了芽的生长。 RGR保持正值,除了在干旱的1990年浏览过的样带上。山羊浏览压力适中。未浏览样带的总生物量损失为15.5%.yr(-1),而浏览样带的总生物量损失为27.7%.yr(-1)。这些发现不支持山羊总是摧毁定居点周围的幼小的尝试的观点。中等强度的山羊草食可提高枝条生产力。但是,不应将结果用于概括整个撒哈拉以南非洲的所有情况,更不用说肯尼亚北部的干旱地区了。相反,有必要强调个别案例研究,这些案例研究最终可用于管理牧民定居点附近的退化林地。 (C)爱思唯尔,巴黎。 [参考:39]



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