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The effect of grazing on phenology and biomass allocation in Quercus coccifera (L.)


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The spatial arrangement of above-ground tissues, the biomass allocation patterns, the root structure and the temporal variations in biomass were examined in grazed and ungrazed Quercus coccifera shrubs. Grazed shrubs exhibited lower values of individual leaf area and weight, and a higher number of leaves per shoot. This means that a grazed shrub's photosynthetic area is divided into more numerous, although smaller, units. In grazed shrubs, 60 % of the total biomass was invested in below-ground parts, while in ungrazed shrubs, the highest proportion of the biomass (50 %) was allocated to woody tissues. The root structure of Q. coccifera shrubs was characterized by high biomass allocation to coarse roots (65 %) and low allocation to fine ones (7 %). The allocation to coarse roots was significantly increased in grazed shrubs. The temporal variations in above- and below-ground biomass appeared to be grazing independent. Above- and below-ground plant biomass increase during the period from late spring to September, the most severe period for the Mediterranean ecosystem. The intrinsic features of Q. coccifera, coupled with features induced by grazing, probably favor its dominance in areas degraded by grazing. (C) Elsevier, Paris. [References: 36]
机译:研究了放牧和未湿化栎球果灌木的地上组织的空间排列,生物量分配模式,根系结构和生物量的时间变化。放牧的灌木表现出较低的单叶面积和重量值,并且每枝的叶片数量更多。这意味着放牧灌木的光合作用区域被划分为更多(尽管较小)的单位。在放牧灌木丛中,总生物量的60%被投资于地下部分,而在未磨擦灌木丛中,生物质的最高比例(50%)被分配给木质组织。球墨茶灌木的根部结构特征在于,高生物量分配给粗根(65%)而低分配给细根(7%)。放牧灌木中粗根的分配显着增加。地上和地下生物量的时间变化似乎与放牧无关。从春季末到九月,这是地中海生态系统最严重的时期,地上和地下植物生物量增加。球墨茶的固有特征,再加上放牧引起的特征,可能有利于其在因放牧而退化的地区的优势地位。 (C)爱思唯尔,巴黎。 [参考:36]



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