
Cytolytic immune lymphocytes in the armamentarium of the human host.


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The author of the monograph "Cytolytic Immune Lymphocytes..." (published in 2008 by Schenk Buchverlag Campus Dialog, Budapest, Passau, Pecs) proposed several research projects and described certain clinical events that require further elaboration and documentation. In this article the author provides what is required and has since become available. The first subject matter in question concerns the fusogenic viruses. The ancient fusogenic viruses might have created the first eukaryotic cell(s) by uniting archaeabacterial and prokaryotic/protobacterial protospheroplasts. Extant fusogenic viruses either produce tumor cell syncytia and lyse them, thus practicing viral oncolysis. Or, create chimaeric fusion products, the so-called "natural hybridomas", of lymphoma cells exhibiting transmembrane budding of retrovirus particles or envelope proteins, and anti-viral specific antibody-producing plasma cells. The second topic concerns the horizontal-lateral mode of acquisition of those genes, which were "present in the waiting" in the amphioxus, sea urchin, and the agnathans, and met in the primitive gnatostomata sharks to encode in unison the entire adaptive immune system. The consensus of opinion is such that these genes derived from newly acquired transposons/retrotransposons. The author points out that the extant Epstein-Barr virus harbors genes displaying sequence homology with those genes from the sharks up to mammals that regulate the somatic hypermutation of specific antibody production. The author proposes that an ancient herpesvirus might have propagated the V(D)J and RAG genes from sea urchins to sharks. The third area is that of lymphocytes cytotoxic/cytolytic to virally infected or malignantly transformed host cells. This discovery led to the adoptive immune lymphocyte therapy of tumors. Installed in the adaptive immune system are regulatory T cells and myeloid-derived suppressor cells for he protection of self attacks launched by immune T cells. The author supports the replacement of IL-2 by IL-15, inasmuch as IL-2 stimulates not only immune T cells, but also regulatory T cells expressing the CD25 IL-2 receptor. The administration of low dose whole body radiotherapy prior to immune lymphocyte therapy increases the efficacy of immune lymphocyte therapy. The author observed this phenomenon in the mid-1960s. The explanation of this phenomenon revealed itself just recently. In pre-irradiated hosts the intestinal wall becomes permeable to the gut flora; the intestinal bacteria activate the entire innate immune system in the mesenteric lymph nodes and a rapid activation of the adaptive immune faculties follows.
机译:专着《细胞溶解免疫淋巴细胞...》(2008年由佩克斯,布达佩斯,布达佩斯的Schenk Buchverlag Campus Dialog出版)的作者提出了多个研究项目,并描述了某些需要进一步阐述和记录的临床事件。在本文中,作者提供了所需的内容,并已成为可用内容。所讨论的第一个主题涉及融合病毒。古老的融合病毒可能通过结合古细菌和原核/原生细菌原生质体而产生了第一个真核细胞。现有的融合病毒会产生肿瘤细胞合胞体并溶解它们,从而进行病毒溶瘤。或者,产生表现出逆转录病毒颗粒或包膜蛋白跨膜出芽的淋巴瘤细胞和产生抗病毒特异性抗体的浆细胞的嵌合融合产物,即所谓的“天然杂交瘤”。第二个主题涉及这些基因的水平侧向获取方式,这些基因“存在于”两栖类,海胆和无脊椎动物中,并在原始的“食蚁兽”鲨中相遇以统一编码整个适应性免疫系统。意见的共识是,这些基因源自新获得的转座子/逆转座子。作者指出,现存的爱泼斯坦-巴尔病毒带有与鲨鱼直至调节特异性抗体产生的体细胞超突变的哺乳动物具有序列同源性的基因。作者提出,古老的疱疹病毒可能已经将V(D)J和RAG基因从海胆传播到了鲨鱼。第三个区域是对病毒感染或恶性转化的宿主细胞具有细胞毒性/溶细胞作用的淋巴细胞。这一发现导致了肿瘤的过继免疫免疫疗法。在适应性免疫系统中安装了调节性T细胞和髓样抑制细胞,以保护免疫T细胞发起的自我攻击。作者支持用IL-15替代IL-2,因为IL-2不仅刺激免疫T细胞,而且刺激表达CD25 IL-2受体的调节性T细胞。在免疫淋巴细胞治疗之前进行低剂量全身放疗可提高免疫淋巴细胞治疗的功效。作者在1960年代中期观察到了这种现象。对这种现象的解释是最近才发现的。在预先照射的宿主中,肠壁对肠道菌群具有渗透性。肠道细菌激活了肠系膜淋巴结的整个先天免疫系统,随后便迅速激活了适应性免疫系统。



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