首页> 外文期刊>Acta oecologica >Ecophysiology of seed germination of wild Dahlia coccinea (Asteraceae) in a spatially heterogeneous fire-prone habitat

Ecophysiology of seed germination of wild Dahlia coccinea (Asteraceae) in a spatially heterogeneous fire-prone habitat


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Dahlia coccinea grows on fire-prone xerophilous shrubland, on a lava field located in Mexico City. Two kinds of experiments were performed to test the role of fire and environmental heterogeneity on germination. The first experiment tested the effect of environmental conditions (constant and alternating temperatures, cold stratification and light). The second one tested the effects of fire and high temperatures (dry and moist heat) on germination. Seeds of Dahlia were indifferent to light. The seeds showed physiological dormancy, which was lost by after-ripening or by gibberellins. During simulated fires, dry seeds tolerated high temperatures of short duration and also withstood prolonged exposure to 60 degrees C. Dry heat treatment reduced the mechanical restriction for embryo growth in dormant seeds. Ash and prolonged exposure to moist heat inhibited germination. Exogenous gibberellins reversed the deleterious effects of prolonged exposure to moist heat. The effect of cold stratification was related to the seeds' physiological stage and to light conditions; stratification in the dark reduced germination Seeds of D. coccinea could tolerate, evade, or be slightly favored by the effects of low intensity fires occurring in their habitat. Seed responses to treatments suggest that the spatially heterogeneous lava field could provide a wide variety of micro-sites where physiological dormancy could be broken and during fires seeds could maintain their viability and subsequently germinate and/or develop a seed bank. (c) 2006 Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.
机译:大丽花球藻生长在易燃的干燥灌木丛上,位于墨西哥城的熔岩荒野上。进行了两种实验来测试火和环境异质性对发芽的作用。第一个实验测试了环境条件(恒定和交替的温度,冷分层和光照)的影响。第二个测试了火和高温(干热和湿热)对发芽的影响。大丽花的种子对光无动于衷。种子表现出生理休眠,后熟或赤霉素使之丧失。在模拟大火中,干种子可以承受短时间的高温,并且还可以承受长时间暴露于60摄氏度的高温。干热处理降低了休眠种子胚胎生长的机械限制。灰分和长时间暴露在湿热下会抑制发芽。外源赤霉素逆转了长时间暴露在湿热中的有害作用。冷分层的影响与种子的生理阶段和光照条件有关。黑暗发芽减少后的分层球藻的种子可以忍受,逃避或略微受其栖息地发生的低强度火势的影响。种子对处理的反应表明,空间异质的熔岩田可提供各种各样的微场所,在这些微场所中,生理休眠可能被打破,并且在大火期间,种子可以维持其生存能力,并随后发芽和/或形成种子库。 (c)2006年Elsevier SAS。版权所有。



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