首页> 外文期刊>Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica: Official Publication of the Nordisk Forening for Obstetrik och Gynekologi >Pregnancy and birth outcomes of women with intellectual disability in Sweden: A national register study

Pregnancy and birth outcomes of women with intellectual disability in Sweden: A national register study


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Objective. To investigate the antenatal health and demographic factors as well as pregnancy and delivery outcomes in women with intellectual disability (ID) in Sweden. Design. A population-based register study. Setting. The National Patient Register (NPR) linked to the Medical Birth Register (MBR). Sample. Women with ID classified as International Classification of Diseases (ICD) 8-10 who gave birth in 1999-2007 (n = 326), identified from the NPR linked to the MBR, were compared with all first-time, singleton mothers without ID or any other psychiatric diagnoses during this period in Sweden (n = 340 624). Methods. Population-based data were extracted from the NPR and the MBR. Main outcome measures. Health and socio-demography at first antenatal visit, mode of delivery, pain relief during labor, preterm birth and discharge from hospital. Results. A higher proportion of women with ID were teenagers (18.4 vs. 3.3%), obese (20.1 vs. 8.6%) and single (36.6 vs. 6.2%) compared with women without ID, and women with ID smoked more often (27.9 vs. 7.9%). Women with ID had more often a preterm birth (12.2 vs. 6.1%), a cesarean section (CS) (24.5 vs. 17.7%) and used less nitrous oxide as pain relief during labor (59.5 vs. 75.8%). Women with ID had a higher risk for preterm birth [odds ratio (OR) 1.68], CS (OR1.55), non-use of nitrous oxide (OR 1.89) and discharge from hospital to a place other than home (OR 2.24). Conclusion. Pregnant women with ID should be considered a risk group suggesting that better tailored pre- and intrapartum care and support are needed for these women.
机译:目的。调查瑞典智障女性的产前健康和人口统计学因素以及妊娠和分娩结局。设计。基于人口的登记研究。设置。国家病人登记簿(NPR)链接到医疗出生登记簿(MBR)。样品。从与MBR相关的NPR中识别出的,在1999-2007年出生的ID为国际疾病分类(ICD)8-10的妇女(n = 326)与所有没有ID或没有ID的首次单身母亲进行了比较。瑞典在此期间的任何其他精神病学诊断(n = 340 624)。方法。从NPR和MBR中提取基于人群的数据。主要观察指标。第一次产前检查时的健康和社会人口统计学,分娩方式,分娩时疼痛缓解,早产和出院。结果。与没有ID的女性相比,具有ID的女性中,青少年(18.4比3.3%),肥胖(20.1对8.6%)和单身(36.6对6.2%)的比例更高,而ID吸烟的女性则更经常抽烟(27.9对7.9%)。患有ID的女性更早产(12.2 vs. 6.1%),剖宫产(CS)(24.5 vs. 17.7%),使用较少的一氧化二氮缓解产程疼痛(59.5 vs. 75.8%)。患有ID的女性早产的风险更高[比值比(OR)1.68],CS(OR1.55),不使用一氧化二氮(OR 1.89)以及从医院出院到非住家的地方(OR 2.24) 。结论。患有ID的孕妇应被视为危险人群,这表明这些孕妇需要更好的量身定制的产前和产后护理和支持。



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