
Conservative management of abnormally invasive placenta after vaginal delivery


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We have reviewed the conservative management of abnormally invasive and adherent placenta (1,2). In women with placenta accreta, the placenta may be left in place to try to preserve the uterus, but this management is not typical. We wish to report a case involving a woman who underwent conservative management comprising uterine artery embolization and administration of methotrexate, a folate antagonist, for the treatment of placenta accreta after vaginal delivery.A 29-year-old woman (gravida 1, para 1) was referred to the emergency department because of a retained placenta. She had delivered a 3000-g male by vaginal delivery at a local clinic. On admission, her blood pressure was 100/60 mmHg and her pulse rate was 106/min. Laboratory findings revealed a hemoglobin level of 9.7 g/dL and fi-human chorionic gonadotropin (j3-hC6) level of 62 420 mlU/mL. Attempted manual removal of the placenta was unsuccessful. A CT scan revealed a postpartum state with a retained placenta underlying placenta accreta (Figure 1).
机译:我们已经回顾了异常浸润和粘附胎盘的保守治疗(1,2)。在有胎盘植入的女性中,胎盘可能留在原处以保护子宫,但是这种处理并不常见。我们希望报告一个病例,该例患者接受了子宫动脉栓塞和甲氨蝶呤(一种叶酸拮抗剂)的保守治疗,用于治疗阴道分娩后的胎盘植入.29岁的女性(妊娠1第1段)因胎盘保留而被转诊至急诊科。她在当地一家诊所通过阴道分娩已分娩出3000克雄性。入院时血压为100/60 mmHg,脉搏为106 / min。实验室检查发现血红蛋白水平为9.7 g / dL,fi-人绒毛膜促性腺激素(j3-hC6)水平为62 420 mlU / mL。尝试手动去除胎盘失败。 CT扫描显示产后状态,胎盘下方积聚了残留的胎盘(图1)。



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