
Pregnancy and women with spinal cord injuries.


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OBJECTIVE: To investigate the impact of pregnancy and childbearing on women with spinal cord injuries and their attitude toward pregnancy. Design and setting. State-wide questionnaire survey from two databases, Florida, USA. METHODS: Women with spinal cord injuries between 18 and 40 years were invited to participate. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Knowledge about pregnancy after spinal cord injury and complications of pregnancy. Population. Hundred and fourteen women with spinal cord injuries. RESULTS: Twenty-three women (20%) received information about pregnancy during rehabilitation, but only 12 (10%) found it adequate. Rates of response of 'adequate information' were similar between women who became pregnant after injury and those who did not (9.0% vs. 8.6%, p=1.0). Younger age at injury was the only predictor of pregnancy after spinal cord injuries. Preterm delivery occurred in 33% of women; 22% were unable to feel preterm labor. Thrombosis (8%), urinary complications (59%), dysreflexia (27%), and worsenedspasticity (22%) were the most common complications in pregnancy and post-partum depression (35%) was the most common complication in the puerperium. CONCLUSIONS: Inadequate information about pregnancy is common among young women with spinal cord injury. Heightened surveillance for certain complications is warranted in women with spinal cord injuries.
机译:目的:研究妊娠和分娩对脊髓损伤妇女的影响及其对妊娠的态度。设计和设置。来自美国佛罗里达州的两个数据库的全州问卷调查。方法:邀请18至40岁之间的脊髓损伤妇女参加。主要观察指标:了解脊髓损伤后的妊娠知识和妊娠并发症。人口。一百一十四名脊髓损伤妇女。结果:二十三名妇女(20%)在康复期间获得了有关怀孕的信息,但只有12名妇女(10%)认为这是足够的。受伤后怀孕的妇女与未受伤的妇女“充分信息”的回应率相似(9.0%vs. 8.6%,p = 1.0)。受伤年龄较小是脊髓损伤后妊娠的唯一预测指标。 33%的妇女发生早产; 22%的人无法感到早产。血栓形成(8%),泌尿并发症(59%),反射异常(27%)和痉挛性恶化(22%)是妊娠中最常见的并发症,产后抑郁症(35%)是产褥期最常见的并发症。结论:关于脊髓损伤的年轻女性普遍缺乏关于妊娠的信息。患有脊髓损伤的女性应加强对某些并发症的监测。



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