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Anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy in eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (Churg-Strauss syndrome):a case report and review of the literature


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We report a 62-year-old man with mild fever, headache and acute visual loss in his right eye due to anterior ischaemic optic neuropathy (AION), followed a few days later by pain in the legs and left arm associated with numbness and weakness.Giant cell arteritis complicated by AION was suspected at the beginning and high-dose oral glucocorticoids were started. However, on the basis of the past medical history of nasal poly-posis, asthma, and hypereosynophilia as well as of further investigations (biopsy of the nasal mttcosa showing granulomatous inflammation with a rich eosinophilic infiltrate, electromyo-graphy demonstrating, mononeuritis multiplex and positive p-ANCA), eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyangiitis (EGPA), previously known as Churg-Strauss syndrome, was diagnosed. Because visual acuity in the right eye deteriorated despite glucocorticoid therapy, pulse intravenous cyclophos-phamide was started, subsequently replaced by oral azathioprine, while prednisone was slowly tapered. This treatment led to gradual improvement of the neurological symptoms, whereas the right visual impairment remained unchanged.EGPA-related AION is an uncommon lesion that is probably due to vasculitic involvement of posterior ciliary and/ or chorioretinal arteries. The prognosis of established AION is poor for the affected eye, even when glucocorticoid treatment is started immediately. However, early recognition of AION and prompt aggressive treatment with high-dose glucocorticoids plus cyclophos-phamide can prevent visual loss in the unaffected eye.
机译:由于前缺血视神经病变(AION),我们报告了一个62岁的男子,右眼右眼急性的患者,右眼,后来逐渐疼痛,左臂与麻木和虚弱相关在开始时怀疑AION复杂的细胞动脉炎,开始高剂量口服糖皮质激素。然而,在过去的鼻部多毒病症,哮喘和过度咽喉病史的基础上以及进一步的研究(鼻MTTCOSA的活检显示肉芽肿炎症与富含嗜酸性嗜酸性浸润,电磁型展示,单一炎多重和阳性的肉芽肿炎P-ANCA),嗜酸性粒细胞粒细胞芽孢杆菌(EGPA),以前称为Churg-Strauss综合征,被诊断出来。因为右眼呈糖皮质激素治疗的视力劣化,所以开始脉冲静脉内环磷酰胺 - 甘氨酸,随后由口服偶氮唑取代,而泼尼松缓慢逐渐变细。这种治疗导致神经系统症状的逐步改善,而正确的视力障碍保持不变。egPA相关的AION是一种罕见的病变,可能是由于后睫状和/或脉络膜动脉的血管分泌血管分泌物。即使立即启动糖皮质激素治疗时,也是由于糖皮质激素治疗的影响,所建立的阴离子的预后差。然而,利用高剂量糖皮质激素加上环球化合物的高剂量和迅速激进治疗的早期识别可以防止不受影响的眼睛的视觉损失。



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