首页> 外文期刊>Comparative parasitology >A New Species of Allacanthochasmus (Trematoda: Cryptogonimidae) from White Bass, Morone chrysops (Moronidae), from Lake Livingston, Texas, USA

A New Species of Allacanthochasmus (Trematoda: Cryptogonimidae) from White Bass, Morone chrysops (Moronidae), from Lake Livingston, Texas, USA


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Allacanthochasmus texanus n. sp. is described from white bass, Morone chrysops, collected from the Trinity River system in southeastern Texas, U.S.A. Specimens of the new species can be distinguished from Allacanthochasmus varius Van Cleave, 1922 by the former's elongate body shape, prominent prepharynx, and tandem testes. The new species is most similar to Allacanthochasmus artus Mueller and Van Cleave, 1932, with which it shares a common body shape, structure of the gonotyl, and distribution and arrangement of most internal structures; the new species differs in having vitelline follicles confined more posteriorly, a gonotyl with more root-like processes, and a smaller number of circumoral spines on the oral sucker. The shape of the circumoral spines in A. texanus n. sp. is highly variable, and the type series includes specimens with spines similar to what described for both A. artus and A. varius. Allacanthochasmus texanus is the third species in the genus from North America, and at this time, all 3 species that are considered valid members of this genus have been described from white bass.
机译:Allacanthochasmus texanus n。 SP。来自白贝斯,从德克萨斯州东南部的Trinity河流系统中收集的白贝斯,U.S.A.新物种标本可以从1922年由前者的细长体型,突出的普罗芬克和串联睾丸区分开。新物种与Allacanthochasmus屁股和Van Cleave,1932年最相似,它分享了它分享了常见的身体形状,巨膜结构的结构,以及大多数内部结构的分布和布置;新物种与vitelline卵泡更加狭窄地围绕后部,具有更多根状方法的恒膜,并且在口腔吸盘上具有较少数量的环刺。 A.Texanus n中的环刺的形状。 SP。是高度变化的,系列系列包括具有类似于A. Artus和A.Varius所描述的刺的标本。 Allacanthochasmus Texanus是来自北美属的第三种种类,此时,所有3种被认为是该属的有效成员的物种已经从白鲈中描述。



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