首页> 外文期刊>Cognition: International Journal of Cognitive Psychology >Don't be fooled! Attentional responses to social cues in a face-to-face and video magic trick reveals greater top-down control for overt than covert attention

Don't be fooled! Attentional responses to social cues in a face-to-face and video magic trick reveals greater top-down control for overt than covert attention

机译:不要被愚弄! 对面对面和视频魔术技巧的社会线索的注意力响应揭示了更大的自上而下控制,而不是隐蔽的注意力

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People's attention is oriented towards faces, but the extent to which these social attention effects are under top down control is more ambiguous. Our first aim was to measure and compare, in real life and in the lab, people's top-down control over overt and covert shifts in reflexive social attention to the face of another. We employed a magic trick in which the magician used social cues (i.e. asking a question whilst establishing eye contact) to misdirect attention towards his face, and thus preventing participants from noticing a visible colour change to a playing card. Our results show that overall people spend more time looking at the magician's face when he is seen on video than in reality. Additionally, although most participants looked at the magician's face when misdirected, this tendency to look at the face was modulated by instruction (i.e., "keep your attention on the cards"), and therefore, by top down control. Moreover, while the card's colour change was fully visible, the majority of participants failed to notice the change, and critically, change detection (our measure of covert attention) was not affected by where people looked (overt attention). We conclude that there is a tendency to shift overt and covert attention reflexively to faces, but that people exert more top down control over this overt shift in attention. These finding are discussed within a new framework that focuses on the role of eye movements as an attentional process as well as a form of non-verbal communication. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
机译:人们的注意力取向面孔,但这些社会注意力效应在顶部控制的程度更加暧昧。我们的第一个目的是在现实生活和实验室中衡量和比较,人们对公开和秘密的自上而下的控制,以反驳的社会关注另一个人。我们雇用了一个魔术伎俩,魔术师使用了社会线索(即建立目光接触的问题)以误导对他的脸部的关注,从而防止参与者注意到扑克牌的可见颜色变化。我们的研究结果表明,当录像时,整体人们花更多时间看着魔术师的脸,而不是实际上。此外,尽管大多数参与者在误导时看着魔术师的脸部,但是通过指令(即,“将您的注意力”)调制这种看脸的这种倾向,因此,通过顶部的控制来调制。此外,虽然卡的颜色变化是完全可见的,但大多数参与者未能注意到变化,并且批判性地,改变检测(我们的隐秘注意力的衡量标准)不受人们所看到的(公开关注)的影响。我们得出结论,有一种倾向于将公开和隐蔽的注意力转移到面临,但人们更加努力对这些公开的关注转变来控制。这些发现是在一个新的框架内讨论,专注于眼球运动作为注意过程的作用以及非言语交流的形式。 (c)2015 Elsevier B.v.保留所有权利。



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