

机译:Nuke Sniffer.

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The USAF is set to convert three old KC-135R tankers into highly specialized WC-135 Constant Phoenix 'nuclear sniffer' aircraft. THE 197TH AIR Refueling Squadron, a unit of the Arizona Air National Guard (ANG) located in Phoenix, has provided three Boeing KC-135R tankers that will be upgraded into Constant Phoenix 'nuke sniffers', a highly specialized atmospheric-collection aircraft. The trio of tankers undergoing modification are 64-14829, 64-14831, and 64-14836. The latter will be the first aircraft to undergo the lengthy conversion process, having been delivered earlier this year to L3 Harris Technologies depot at Majors Field in Greenville, Texas. The primary duty of the WC-135R Constant Phoenix is to collect nuclear debris in the atmosphere. Essentially, the aircraft will fly along pre-determined upper atmospheric tracks to seek out particles from nuclear weapons testing. At present, all nuclear explosions are conducted underground - although there is sufficient shift in the earth's crust to enable small amounts of radioactive particles to be released into the air. This debris slowly rises and is eventually carried into the upper atmosphere where it remains for a limited period. The Constant Phoenix will be flown to specific areas to 'sniff out' and penetrate these suspected radioactive 'clouds'. The aircraft is equipped with special on-board atmospheric-collection sensors that can capture minute particles as the air is being sucked into its U-1B foils, positioned either side of the aircraft above the wing root.
机译:USAF将三个旧KC-135R油轮转换为高度专业化的WC-135常数凤凰“核嗅探器飞机。 197年,位于凤凰城的亚利桑那航空国防军(Ang)的197年空气加油中队提供了三个波音KC-135R油轮,将升级为一支高度专业化的大气收集飞机恒定的凤凰城'Nuke Sniffers'。接受修改的油轮的三人组是64-14829,44-14831和64-14836。后者将成为第一架经过冗长的转换过程的飞机,今年早些时候到了德克萨斯州格林维尔的Memagors领域的L3 Harris Technologies Depot。 WC-135R恒定凤凰的主要占义数是在大气中收集核碎片。基本上,飞机将沿着预定的上大气轨道飞行,以寻找核武器测试的颗粒。目前,所有核爆炸都是在地下进行的 - 尽管地壳存在足够的转变,以使少量放射性颗粒释放到空气中。这种碎片慢慢上升,最终被带入高层大气中,在那里它保持有限的时期。恒定的凤凰将飞到特定区域,以“嗅探”并渗透这些疑似放射性的“云”。该飞机配备有特殊的车载大气收集传感器,可以捕获微小颗粒,因为空气被吸入其U-1B箔,将飞机的任一侧放在翼根上方。



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