首页> 外文期刊>Biosystems Engineering >The simulation of the impact damage to fruit during the passage of a truck over a speed bump by means of the discrete element method.

The simulation of the impact damage to fruit during the passage of a truck over a speed bump by means of the discrete element method.


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The discrete element method (DEM) was used to study fruit damage during transportation. The DEM is a particle-based simulation technique which is well suited for the solution of granular material related problems in food and agriculture. In this paper, the application of DEM to food transport problems was demonstrated by simulation of bruising to apples stored in bulk bins during the passage of a truck over a speed bump. The effects of truck load, bulk bin position, suspension type and driving speed on damage were investigated. The simulations showed that higher truck loads lead to less bruising and that apples in bulk bins behind the rear axle suffered more damage than those in bulk bins in front of the rear axle. Furthermore, a considerable reduction in the damage was predicted in simulations where the truck has a soft suspension. Independent of truck load, suspension type and bulk bin position, the commercially significant bruising (i.e. apples with bruise volume of maximum bruise above 500 mm3) was predicted to be insignificant for driving speeds below 20 km h-1. At higher driving speeds, the extent of commercially acceptable bruising depended on various parameters. A reduction in the driving speed, an increase in the truck load and a reduction in the suspension stiffness all helped to reduce the occurrence of fruit damage.
机译:离散元素法(DEM)用于研究运输过程中的水果损害。 DEM是一种基于粒子的模拟技术,非常适合解决粮食和农业中与颗粒材料有关的问题。在本文中,DEM在食品运输问题中的应用通过在卡车经过减速带时对散装储物箱中存储的苹果进行仿真的模拟得到了证明。研究了卡车负载,散货箱位置,悬挂类型和行驶速度对损坏的影响。模拟显示,较高的卡车载重量导致较少的擦伤,并且后轴后方散货箱中的苹果比后轴前部散货箱中的苹果受到的损害更大。此外,在卡车具有软悬架的模拟中,预计可以大大减少损坏。与卡车负载,悬架类型和散装箱位置无关,预计商业上明显的瘀伤(即最大瘀伤量大于500 mm3的苹果)对于低于20 km h-1的行驶速度无关紧要。在较高的行驶速度下,商业上可接受的瘀伤程度取决于各种参数。行驶速度的降低,卡车负载的增加以及悬架刚度的降低都有助于减少水果损坏的发生。



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