首页> 外文期刊>Clinical Radiology: Journal of the Royal College of Radiologists >RE: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the brain: review of metabolites and clinical applications

RE: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy of the brain: review of metabolites and clinical applications


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Sir-The article by Soares1 states that it is useful to note that creatine itself does not originate in the brain, quoting evidence that brain creatine levels are altered by renal disease, and that creatine has been noted to be absent in some inborn errors of creatine synthesis, which are subsequently corrected by creatine supplementation. In contrast, it is well established that the brain has all the necessary synthetic machinery to make creatine. The two main enzymes for creatine synthesis are present in both neurons and glia. The brain derives much of its creatine via this synthetic pathway but is also capable of taking creatine up from the blood via a sodium-dependent transporter, which also transports the immediate synthetic precursor guanidinoacetate. It has been suggested that creatine synthesis in the brain largely occurs in a cycle between cell types, which may explain why some inborn errors of transporter deficiency present with little brain creatine; the lack of the transporter means that the synthetic precursor guanidinoacetate is also unable to move between cell types. Arginine is one of the precursor amino acids for creatine synthesis and the level of arginine is subject to fluctuation by renal disease as it is sensitive to ammonia levels.
机译:主席先生 - 索拉斯1的文章说明肌肉本身不源于大脑,引用脑肌酸水平因肾病而引用的证据,并已注意到在一些未生物的肌酸中不存在肌酸合成,随后通过肌酸补充纠正。相比之下,很好地确定了大脑拥有所有必要的合成机制来制作肌酸。肌酸合成的两种主要酶存在于神经元和胶林中。大脑通过这种合成途径衍生大部分肌酸,但也能够通过依赖依赖性转运蛋白从血液中肌钙菌,这也运于立即合成前体胍酯。已经提出,大脑中的肌酸合成在很大程度上发生在细胞类型之间的循环中,这可以解释为什么有些未生命的转运蛋白缺乏存在的缺乏患者缺乏脑肌酸;缺乏运输器意味着合成前体胍基乙酸盐也无法在细胞类型之间移动。精氨酸是肌酸合成的前体氨基酸之一,并且精氨酸水平受肾病的波动,因为它对氨水量敏感。



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