首页> 外文期刊>Acta Horticulturae >Implementing quality and traceability initiatives among smallholder tea producers in Southern India.

Implementing quality and traceability initiatives among smallholder tea producers in Southern India.


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Tea production in the Nilgiri Hills of southern India is undergoing considerable change. The fall in global tea prices since 1998 has had devastating impacts in the Nilgiris, where the majority of tea is produced by peasant farmers on landholdings of less than one hectare. Prices paid for smallholder tea have declined by 47% against an average national decline of only 26% since 1998. This paper first discusses the principal reasons for the declining tea prices in this region in the context of changing global demands for quality production, and then reports on the strategies utilized to engage the 60 000 Nilgiri smallholder tea producers in quality initiatives. The paper concludes with an assessment of the extent to which these developments have improved the structural position of smallholders within the tea supply chain..
机译:印度南部尼尔吉里山(Nilgiri Hills)的茶叶生产正在发生巨大变化。自1998年以来全球茶叶价格的下跌对尼尔吉里斯地区造成了毁灭性的影响,尼尔吉里斯地区的大部分茶叶是由农民生产的,土地面积不到1公顷。自1998年以来,小农茶的价格下降了47%,而全国平均水平仅下降了26%。本文首先讨论了在全球优质生产需求变化的背景下该地区茶价格下降的主要原因。报告了使6万名Nilgiri小农茶叶生产商参与优质计划的策略。本文最后评估了这些发展在多大程度上改善了茶农在供应链中的结构地位。



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