首页> 外文期刊>Acta Horticulturae >Mixed infection of peach trees with Peach latent mosaic viroid and Hop stunt viroid in the Czech Republic.

Mixed infection of peach trees with Peach latent mosaic viroid and Hop stunt viroid in the Czech Republic.


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Peach latent mosaic viroid (PLMVd) and Hop stunt viroid (HSVd) are the only viroids known to naturally infect stone fruit trees. During a field validation of detection methods developed for plant certification, several peach trees from the experimental orchard of the Czech University of Agriculture in Prague were tested for the presence of both viroids. Leaves from apparently symptomless trees of several varieties were collected in late summer 2002. Five of the 66 tested trees were infected by PLMVd only, 46 resulted infected by both PLMVd and HSVd, whereas 15 did not contain any of the tested viroids. Although such a high proportion of infected plants can probably be attributed to the experimental and teaching practices in the orchard, these results have prompted us to carry out a survey for the PLMVd and HSVd occurrence on peach trees in the Czech Republic.



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