首页> 外文期刊>Acta Horticulturae >Modelling interactions between bacteriocin-producing sausage starter cultures or cocultures and Listeria reveals how to improve the efficiency of Listeria killing.

Modelling interactions between bacteriocin-producing sausage starter cultures or cocultures and Listeria reveals how to improve the efficiency of Listeria killing.


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The kinetics of Listeria innocua LMG 13568 were studied in vitro during laboratory batch fermentation experiments in the presence of the bacteriocin-producing strains Lactobacillus sakei CTC 494, L. curvatus LTH 1174 and Enterococcus faecium RZS C5. A comparison was made with a non-bacteriocin-producing commercial meat starter culture of L. sakei. The L. innocua LMG 13568 population consisted predominantly of bacteriocin-sensitive cells but also contained a small subpopulation of bacteriocin-resistant cells (resistance frequency of 4x10-4). Bacteriocin production by L. sakei CTC 494 and L. curvatus LTH 1174 in a meat simulation medium resulted in the rapid inactivation of sensitive L. innocua LMG 13568 cells, even in the very early stages of bacteriocin production at low bacteriocin activity levels. The inhibition obtained by E. faecium RZS C5 was less pronounced but was better than with a non-bacteriocin-producing starter culture. The harsh conditions typical for a sausage environment (low temperature and pH and high amounts of salt and nitrite) were enough to control the bacteriocin-resistant subpopulation. Hence, bacteriocin-producing starter cultures used under appropriate sausage manufacturing conditions may guarantee a Listeria-free end-product..
机译:在实验室分批发酵实验中,在产生细菌素的菌株乳酸杆菌清酒乳酸杆菌CTC 494,弯曲乳杆菌LTH 1174和粪肠球菌RZS C5的存在下,对无毒李斯特菌LMG 13568的动力学进行了体外研究。与不产细菌素的商业莱氏乳杆菌发酵肉进行了比较。 L.nonocua LMG 13568种群主要由细菌素敏感细胞组成,但也包含少量的细菌素耐药细胞亚群(耐药频率为4x10-4)。在肉类模拟培养基中,由清酒乳杆菌CTC 494和弯曲乳杆菌LTH 1174产生的细菌素导致敏感的无毒乳杆菌LMG 13568细胞迅速失活,即使在细菌素生产水平较低的细菌素生产的早期也是如此。粪肠球菌RZS C5获得的抑制作用较不明显,但比不产生细菌素的起始培养物要好。香肠环境的典型苛刻条件(低温和pH值以及大量的盐和亚硝酸盐)足以控制耐细菌素的亚群。因此,在适当的香肠制造条件下使用的产生细菌素的发酵剂培养物可以保证不含利斯特氏菌的最终产品。



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