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Vanquish Valve Vexations

机译:vanquish valve vexations

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SCRUTINIZE THE ACTUATORS Start by taking a hard look at the valve and actuator specifications for the two valves. Actuators often are left to the vendor or project instrument engineer to specify. They're actually (pun intended) pretty complicated devices. There are three types of actuators: air-to-close, spring-open; air-to- open, spring-close; and no spring, fail-last position. It sounds like the ingredient valve could be air-to-close, which is a bad choice because a bad instrument air supply could cause the spring to allow the valve to open, especially if there is a lot of back-pressure against the air diaphragm inside the actuator. If you find out the actuator was specified wrongly, replace it with one that has a higher inlet pressure and change the actuator to air-to-open; often this only requires a re-orientation of the actuator, as is the case for some clam-shell types.
机译:通过对两个阀门的阀门和致动器规格进行努力来仔细检查执行器。 执行器通常留给供应商或项目仪器工程师指定。 他们实际上是(双关语)非常复杂的设备。 有三种类型的执行器:空气接近,弹簧开放; 空气开放,春季关闭; 没有弹簧,故障最后一个位置。 它听起来像成分阀门可能是空气到关闭的,这是一个糟糕的选择,因为乐器空气供应可能会导致弹簧允许阀门打开,特别是如果存在很多反压力膜的背压 在执行器内。 如果您发现执行器错误地指定了执行器,请将其更换为更高的入口压力并将执行器更换为空气开放; 通常这仅需要执行器的重新定位,就像一些蛤壳类型一样。



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