A'/> Radiation safety in the cardiac catheterization lab: A time series quality improvement initiative
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Radiation safety in the cardiac catheterization lab: A time series quality improvement initiative


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Abstract Background Interventional cardiologists have one of the highest annual radiation exposures yet systems of care that promote radiation safety in cardiac catheterization labs are lacking. This study sought to reduce the frequency of radiation exposure, for PCI procedures, above 1.5Gy in labs utilizing a Phillips system at our local institution by 40%, over a 12-month period. Methods We performed a time series study to assess the impact of different interventions on the frequency of radiation exposure above 1.5Gy. Process measures were percent of procedures where collimation and magnification were used and percent of completion of online educational modules. Balancing measures were the mean number of cases performed and mean fluoroscopy time. Interventions Information sessions, online modules, policies and posters were implemented followed by the introduction of a new lab with a novel software (AlluraClarity ? ) to reduce radiation dose. Results There was a significant reduction (91%, p0.05) in the frequency of radiation exposure above 1.5Gy after utilizing a novel software (AlluraClarity ? ) in a new Phillips lab. Process measures of use of collimation (95.0% to 98.0%), use of magnification (20.0% to 14.0%) and completion of online modules (62%) helped track implementation. The mean number of cases performed and mean fluoroscopy time did not change significantly. Conclusion While educational strategies had limited impact on reducing radiation exposure, implementing a novel software system provided the most effective means of reducing radiation exposure. Highlights ? Education strategies had limited impact on reducing radiation exposure in one healthcare institution. ?
机译:<![cdata [ 抽象 背景 介入心脏病学家拥有最高的年度辐射曝光之一,但缺乏促进心脏导管插入实验室的辐射安全性的护理系统。本研究寻求降低辐射曝光的频率,用于PCI程序,高于1.5 GY在利用菲利普斯(Phillips System)在我们当地机构的实验室超过40%,超过12个月。 方法 我们执行了一个时间序列的研究,以评估不同干预对辐射频率的影响暴露在1.5以上<5 GY。过程措施是使用准直和放大的程序的百分比和在线教育模块的完成百分比。平衡措施是均衡的病例数和平均荧光透视时间。 干预措施 信息会话,在线模块,策略和海报进行了介绍具有新的软件的新实验室( alturacrarity )来减少辐射剂量。 结果 显着减少(91%,P 0.05)在辐射曝光的频率上以上1.5℃下降1.5 GY在利用新软件后( alturaclarity ?? )在一个新的菲利普斯实验室。使用准直的过程措施(95.0%至98.0%),使用倍率(20.0%至14.0%)和在线模块完成(62%)帮助跟踪实施。所执行的平均病例数和平均荧光透视时间不会显着变化。 结论 虽然教育策略对减少辐射曝光产生有限的影响,但实施一个小说软件系统提供了减少辐射暴露的最有效手段。 突出显示 教育策略对减少一个医疗机构的辐射暴露有限e机构。



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