首页> 外文期刊>Biological Journal of the Linnean Society >Long-spurred Angraecum orchids and long-tongued sphingid moths on Madagascar: a time frame for Darwin's predicted Xanthopan Angraecum coevolution

Long-spurred Angraecum orchids and long-tongued sphingid moths on Madagascar: a time frame for Darwin's predicted Xanthopan Angraecum coevolution

机译:马达加斯加长期刺激的阿糖兰花和长舌鞘翅目蛾:达尔文预测的Xanthopan Angraecum参数的时间框架

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Trait matching between the Madagascan orchid Angraecum sesquipedale, with a nectar spur of 33 cm, and a hawkmoth with a tongue almost as long has fascinated biologists since Darwin, who saw only flowers but correctly predicted the moth pollinator. This moth, Xanthopan morgani praedicta, was described from museum specimens in 1903 and documented as the pollinator in photographs and film in 1992 and 2004. However, Madagascar harbours c. 30 species of long-spurred orchids and seven species of long-tongued hawkmoths, and mutualisms between moths and 'Angraecum and other deep tubular flowers' (Darwin, 1862: p. 202) probably involve a network of interacting species. We infer the evolutionary time over which Madagascan sphingids and Angraecum have interacted, based on an orchid phylogeny that includes 62 of 144 Angraecum species on Madagascar and a moth phylogeny with all nine Madagascan Sphinginae. Clock models using either rate- or fossil-based calibrations imply that the Madagascan subspecies X. morgani praedicta and the African morgani diverged 7.4 +/- 2.8 Mya, which overlaps the divergence of An. sesquipedale from its sister, Angraecum sororium, namely 7.5 +/- 5.2 Mya; since both have extremely long spurs, long spurs probably existed before that. The phylogenies moreover show that several long-tongued moths and long-spurred orchids probably coevolved on Madagascar since the mid-Miocene, although field data on the moths' levels of polyphagy and pollen transport are lacking.
机译:Madagascan Orchid Angraecum Sesquipedale之间的特质与33厘米的花蜜搭配,以及舌头几乎只有达尔文的鹰嘴犬,因为达尔文自迷住的生物学家,他只看到了鲜花,但正确地预测了蛾粉刷队。这次蛾子Xanthopan Morgani Praedicta是在1903年的博物馆标本中描述的,并于1992年和2004年被记录为Puppore and Photos和电影。然而,马达加斯加港C. 30种长刺兰花和七种长舌霍克马队,蛾子和“达尔海姆和其他深管状花”(Darwin,1862:P.202)之间的相互主义可能涉及相互作用的物种网络。我们推断了马达卡斯坎鞘氨酸和稻草的进化时间,基于兰花发育,其中包括在马达加斯加的62种Angraecum物种中的62种,与所有九种Madagascan Spinginae的MadagaCum物种中的62种。使用速率或化石的校准的时钟模型意味着马达加斯加亚种X. Morgani Praedicta和非洲Morgani分歧了7.4 +/- 2.8 mya,其与散游重叠。 Sesquipedale从姐妹,Angraecum Sororium,即7.5 +/- 5.2 mya;由于两者都有极长的马刺,很长的马刺可能在此之前存在。此外,这种系统发育方式显示出几种长舌飞蛾和长刺激的兰花,因为中间中世纪以来,虽然缺乏对飞蛾和花粉运输水平的现场数据,但是缺乏对马达加斯加的缺乏。



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