首页> 外文期刊>Biological invasions >Seeding native species increases resistance to annual grass invasion following prescribed burning of semiarid woodlands

Seeding native species increases resistance to annual grass invasion following prescribed burning of semiarid woodlands


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Exotic grass invasions are often facilitated by disturbances, which provide opportunities for invasion by releasing pulses of resources available to invaders. Where disturbances such as prescribed fire are used as a management tool, there is a pressing need to identify ecosystem attributes associated with susceptibility to disturbance-induced invasion. In the Great Basin of the western United States, expansion of the exotic annual grass Bromus tectorum is transforming native ecosystems. In this study we examined long-term understory plant community responses to experimental prescribed fire and post-fire seeding treatments in Great Basin pinyon-juniper woodlands. We asked (1) how long-term ecosystem resistance to fire-induced B. tectorum invasion varies along major abiotic and biotic gradients, and (2) whether post-fire seeding of perennial species promotes perennial plant establishment and increases resistance to invasion. Fourteen years after burning, we found that resistance to invasion was high on relatively cool and moist sites (higher elevation), but that the warmer and drier (low- to mid-elevation) burned sites had become heavily invaded by B. tectorum. Post-fire B. tectorum dominance was highest in sites with high pre-fire tree cover, where residual and newly established native perennial plant cover was limited following fire. We found that seeding perennial species after burning decreased invasibility in sites with low resistance. Seeding a mix of native perennial shrubs, forbs, and grasses was more effective at increasing perennial cover and inhibiting B. tectorum invasion than seeding a mix of non-native perennial grasses. Our results highlight the need for long-term studies to evaluate plant community responses to prescribed fire, as important treatment differences were not captured in a shorter (3-4year) post-fire monitoring period.
机译:异国情调的草地入侵通常通过扰动促进,这提供了通过释放入侵者可用的资源脉冲来侵入的机会。在使用诸如规定的火灾的干扰作为管理工具的情况下,需要识别与扰动诱导的侵袭的易感性相关的生态系统属性。在美国西部的大盆地中,异国情调的年度草溴苔藓突然正在转化本土生态系统。在这项研究中,我们检查了长期林下植物社区对实验规定的火灾和火灾后播种治疗的责任,以及伟大的盆地拼音林林地。我们要求(1)多长期生态系统抗火诱导的B. Tectorum Invasion如何沿着主要的非生物和生物梯度变化,并且(2)常年物种后火灾播种是否促进常年植物建立并增加侵袭抗病。燃烧后十四年,我们发现对侵袭的侵蚀性很高(高度升高),但是温暖和干燥器(低至中升高)被B. Tectorum侵犯了大量侵入。火灾后B.在带有高火树覆盖的地点中的突击部位是最高的,其中残留和新建立的天然多年生植物覆盖物有限。我们发现在燃烧后常年种类造成常年物种,降低了具有低电阻的部位的可染色性。播种一组天然多年生灌木,杂草和草在增加多年生覆盖和抑制B. tecticaum侵袭而不是播种非天然多年生草的混合物。我们的结果突出了对长期研究的需要,以评估植物群落对规定火灾的反应,因为在较短(3-4年)的火灾后监测期内没有捕获重要的治疗差异。



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