首页> 外文期刊>Cancer research: The official organ of the American Association for Cancer Research, Inc >Investigating New Mechanisms of Acquired Resistance to Targeted Therapies: If You Hit Them Harder, Do They Get Up Differently?

Investigating New Mechanisms of Acquired Resistance to Targeted Therapies: If You Hit Them Harder, Do They Get Up Differently?


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Targeted therapies have revolutionized treatment of several different types of cancers. However, in almost an invariable fashion, cancers eventually regrow in the presence of the targeted therapy, a phenomenon referred to as acquired resistance. In this issue of Cancer Research, Finn and colleagues demonstrate that modeling acquired resistance to MET tyrosine kinase inhibition in a MET-amplified gastric cancer cell line by a single, high exposure of the targeted therapy reveals clinically relevant acquired resistant mechanisms, which may be more faithful and comprehensive than the ones revealed through traditional rampup approaches.
机译:有针对性的疗法已经彻底改变了几种不同类型的癌症。 然而,以几乎不变的方式,癌症最终在有针对性的治疗情况下再生,这是一种被称为获得性的现象。 在这个问题上,芬恩和同事证明,通过单一的高暴露于靶向治疗的抗蛋白酶癌细胞中抑制酪氨酸激酶抑制的建模抗性,揭示了临床相关的获得性抗性机制,这可能更多 忠实而全面地通过传统的斜坡方法透露。



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