首页> 外文期刊>Canadian Journal of Plant Science >Intellectual property rights and plant variety protection of horticultural crops: evidence from Canada

Intellectual property rights and plant variety protection of horticultural crops: evidence from Canada


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Horticultural farm cash receipts totaled CAN$8.6 billion in Canada in 2014. Horticultural crops have dominated the Plant Breeders' Rights Office application submissions. In this paper, we first examine the application pattern of plant breeders' rights (PBR) for horticultural crops following the enactment of the Canadian Plant Breeders' Rights Act in 1990. Second, we assess whether stronger intellectual property rights (IPR) are needed to boost plant variety development. Plant breeders' rights applications and grants data from the Canadian Food Inspection Agency from 1992-2014 are used to examine how PBR applications by public and private institutions have evolved in response to reductions in research and development funding for horticultural crop research by Canadian public institutions and changes to plant variety protection policies. We show that the bulk of PBR applications are for ornamental crops (followed by vegetables and fruits) involving mostly Rosa and Pelargonium and originate from European and U.S. corporations. Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada accounted for 35% and 53% of the total apple and cherry applications, respectively. Since 2005, applications for ornamental varieties have declined, suggesting the perception of a weak intellectual property protection environment. The PBR system allows farm-saved seed or propagating material use, while plant breeders can use germplasm material in new line breeding activities. Stronger IPR and royalty collection systems may promote greater private plant breeding and commercialization of new varieties for the heterogeneous Canadian horticultural crop industry.
机译:2014年加拿大园艺农场现金收益总计86亿美元。园艺作物占据了植物育种者的权利办公室申请表。在本文中,我们首先在1990年制定加拿大植物育种者权利法案后,研究了园艺作物的植物育种者权利(PBR)的应用模式。第二,我们评估是否需要更强大的知识产权(IPR)促进植物品种发展。从1992 - 2014年的加拿大粮食检验机构的植物育种者的权利申请和拨款数据用于审查公共和私营机构的PBR申请如何发展,以应对加拿大公共机构的园艺作物研究的研究和开发资金的减少改变植物品种保护政策。我们表明,大部分PBR应用程序适用于观赏作物(其次是蔬菜和水果),涉及罗莎和天竺葵,源自欧洲和美国公司。农业和农业加拿大分别占苹果和樱桃申请总数的35%和53%。自2005年以来,对观赏品种的应用已下降,这表明知识产权保护环境疲软的看法。 PBR系统允许农场保存的种子或繁殖材料使用,而植物育种者可以在新的线条育种活动中使用种质材料。强大的知识产权和皇室收集系统可促进异构加拿大园艺作物行业新品种的更大私营植物育种和商业化。



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