AbstractA general problem of the synchronization and mutual synchronization of relaxational self-oscillating systems is formulated.'/> Synchronization of relaxational self-oscillating systems: Synchronization in neural networks
首页> 外文期刊>Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Physics >Synchronization of relaxational self-oscillating systems: Synchronization in neural networks

Synchronization of relaxational self-oscillating systems: Synchronization in neural networks


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AbstractA general problem of the synchronization and mutual synchronization of relaxational self-oscillating systems is formulated. A direct way of describing the synchronization of relaxational systems on the basis of Kronecker’s inequalities is proposed. The solution to the problem formulated by N. Wiener and A. Rosenbluth of forming a single rhythm in a system of coupled relaxational oscillators is described. Specific transient processes in the synchronization of relaxational systems are considered. Burst synchronization in neural networks and synchronization in distributed relaxational systems are also described.]]>
机译:<![cdata [ <标题>抽象 ara>放松自振动系统的同步和相互同步的一般问题。 提出了一种在基于Kronecker不等式的基础上描述放松系统同步的直接方式。 描述了由N. Wiener和A.在耦合放松振荡器系统中形成单个节律的RosenBlut的解决方案。 考虑了放松系统同步中的特定瞬态过程。 还描述了神经网络中的突发同步和分布式放松系统中的同步。 ]]>



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