
An opportunity missed


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The strategy document No Health Without Mental Health (Department of Health (DH), 2011) aimed to put mental health on an equal footing with physical health. It had six objectives, one of which was that fewer people would experience stigma and discrimination. However, inequalities in mental health still persist and appear to have been fuelled by the omission of important data in a report released by NHS Digital (McManus et al, 2016), the Mental Health and Wellheing in England survey. Record numbers of adults are now living with mental health problems in England, with young . women in particular facing increased risk. One in three adults (37%) aged between 16 and 74 years with conditions such as anxiety or depression, surveyed in England, were accessing mental health treatment in 2014 (McManus et al, 2016). This figure has increased from one in four people (24%) since the last survey was undertaken in 2007 (McManus et al,2016).
机译:该策略文件没有没有心理健康的健康状况(卫生部(DH),2011年),旨在将心理健康与身体健康的平等。 它有六个目标,其中一个人更少的人会遇到耻辱和歧视。 然而,心理健康的不平等仍然存在,并且似乎被NHS Digital(McManus等,2016),心理健康和英国调查井发布的报告中的重要数据所淘汰。 成年人的记录数现在与英格兰的心理健康问题生活在一起。 妇女特别面临的风险增加。 在英格兰调查的焦虑或抑郁症的条件下,在16至74岁之间的三分之一(37%)正在进入2014年的心理健康治疗(McManus等,2016)。 自2007年最后一次调查(McManus等,2016年),这一数字从四个人中的一个(24%)增加到了这一数字(24%)。



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