首页> 外文期刊>Biotechnic and Histochemistry >Investigation of the antigen recognition and presentation capacity of pecteneal hyalocytes in the chicken (gallus gallus domesticus)

Investigation of the antigen recognition and presentation capacity of pecteneal hyalocytes in the chicken (gallus gallus domesticus)

机译:鸡肉(Gallus Gallulus Domesticus)抗原识别与展示能力的调查

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We investigated at different developmental stages the antigen recognition and presentation capacity of pecteneal hyalocytes that adhere to the pecten oculi in the eye of domestic chickens. Forty-eight fertilized eggs were used to investigate embryonic stages and 12 6-week-old chickens were used to investigate adults. Tissue samples from both embryos and adults were stained with monoclonal antibodies against MHC-II, TLR2/CD282 and TLR4, and also with RCA-1, WGA and SNA lectins. The developmental stage of the pecteneal hyalocytes was determined using Masson's triple staining. Pecteneal hyalocytes first appeared at Hamburger-Hamilton stages 30 34 and remained unchanged from their first appearance to adulthood. Chicken pecteneal hyalocytes were stained by monoclonal antibodies against TLR2 and TLR4, and were unstained by monoclonal antibodies for MHC-II. Hyalocytes were positive for RCA-I, WGA and SNA lectins. We found that pecteneal hyalocytes that adhere to the pecten oculi in domestic chickens recognized antigens, but could not present them. These cells have been assumed to be of monocyte/macrophage lineage; their functions in the immune response are not fully understood.
机译:我们在不同的发育阶段调查了抗原识别和粘膜透明质细胞的呈现能力,其粘附在国内鸡眼中的果胶。用于研究胚胎阶段的四十八个受精卵,用12个6周龄鸡用于调查成人。将来自胚胎和成人的组织样品用针对MHC-II,TLR2 / CD282和TLR4的单克隆抗体染色,以及RCA-1,WGA和SNA凝集素。使用Masson的三重染色测定粘膜透明质细胞的发育阶段。宫膜透明质细胞首先出现在汉堡 - 汉密尔顿阶段30 34,并从他们的第一个外观与成年期保持不变。通过针对TLR2和TLR4的单克隆抗体染色鸡肝封闭细胞,并通过单克隆抗体对MHC-II的单克隆抗体未染色。透明质细胞对于RCA-I,WGA和SNA凝集素是阳性的。我们发现粘膜透明质细胞粘附在国内鸡识别的抗原的果胶中,但不能呈现它们。已经假定这些细胞具有单核细胞/巨噬细胞谱系;他们在免疫反应中的功能尚未完全明白。



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