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Sowing Uncertainty: What We Do and Don't Know about the Planting of Pesticide-Treated Seed


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Farmers, regulators, and researchers rely on pesticide use data to assess the effects of pesticides on crop yield, farm economics, off-target organisms, and human health. The publicly available pesticide use data in the United States do not currently account for pesticides applied as seed treatments. We find that seed treatment use has increased in major field crops over the last several decades but that there is a high degree of uncertainty about the extent of acreage planted with treated seeds, the amount of regional variability, and the use of certain active ingredients. One reason for this uncertainty is that farmers are less likely to know what pesticides are on their seed than they are about what pesticides are applied conventionally to their crops. This lack of information affects the quality and availability of seed treatment data and also farmers' ability to tailor pesticide use to production and environmental goals.
机译:农民,监管机构和研究人员依赖于农药利用数据来评估农药对农作物产量,农业经济,脱靶机和人类健康影响的影响。 美国公开的农药使用数据目前尚未考虑应用作为种子处理的农药。 我们发现,在过去的几十年中,种子处理使用在主要田间作物中增加了大田间作物,但是对被治疗的种子种植的面积,区域变异量和某些活性成分的使用存在高度的不确定性。 这种不确定性的一个原因是农民不太可能知道种子上的农药,而不是常规应用杀虫剂的种子。 这种信息缺乏信息影响种子处理数据的质量和可用性以及农民定制农药用于生产和环境目标的农业能力。



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