首页> 外文期刊>Biological Agriculture & Horticulture >Effect of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth.) and vetch-rye (Secale cereale L.) biculture cover crops and plastic mulching in high tunnel vegetable production under organic management

Effect of hairy vetch (Vicia villosa Roth.) and vetch-rye (Secale cereale L.) biculture cover crops and plastic mulching in high tunnel vegetable production under organic management

机译:毛茸茸的Vetch(vicia dillosa roth.)和Vetch-rye(secale cereale l.)剥离覆盖作物和塑料覆盖在有机管理下的高隧道蔬菜产量

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Effects of cover crops on soil physical and chemical properties and yield of the following cash-crops were evaluated in an organic system in a high tunnel. The sequence of crops in the two-year study was: vetch or vetch-rye followed by zucchini (Cucurbita pepo) and then lettuce (Lactuca sativa L) in 2016 and celery (Apium graveolens L.) in 2017. In the plots with cover crops, two mulches (black and transparent polyethylene (PE) film) were used to cover the soil at the end of the first season during the winter period. The differences in the biomass between vetch grown on its own and the vetch-rye mixture were not significant, but the total amount of N accumulated in the biomass of the vetch (252 kg N ha(-1)) was greater than that of the vetch-rye mixture (174 kg N ha(-1)). The use of cover crops improved soil properties in the first season (2016), including water stable aggregate index and soil organic matter. In the second season (2017), the use of cover crops combined with PE mulching had a beneficial effect on soil the pH, the water-stable aggregate index, and the availability of Ca, Mg, B and Fe. Covering the soil with black PE mulch during the winter (in both the vetch and the vetch-rye treatments), increased celery yield, compared with the transparent PE mulch and the untreated soil. The use of black PE mulch in the vetch treatment and transparent PE mulch in the vetch-rye treatment reduced soil organic carbon.
机译:高隧道中的有机系统中评估了覆盖作物对土壤物理和化学性质及以下现金作物产量的影响。为期两年的研究中的作物序列是:苏格兰尼(Cucurbita Pepo),然后在2016年莴苣(Lactuca Sativa L),2017年芹菜(Apium Graveolens L.)。在带封面的地块中作物,两种覆盖物(黑色和透明聚乙烯(PE)薄膜)用于在冬季的第一季结束时覆盖土壤。 vetch之间的生物质的差异在其自身上生长和vetch-rye混合物不显着,但累积在诸大(252kg n ha(-1))中累积的n的总量大于vetch-rye混合物(174 kg n ha(-1))。覆盖作物的使用改善了第一季(2016)的土壤特性,包括水稳定的骨料指数和土壤有机物。在第二季(2017年)中,使用封面作物与PE覆盖物相结合对土壤的pH,水稳定的骨料指数和Ca,Mg,B和Fe的可用性具有有益的影响。冬季覆盖着黑色PE覆盖物(在VECH和VETCH-RYE治疗中),与透明PE覆盖物和未处理的土壤相比,增加芹菜产量。瓦茨麦橡胶处理中的黑色体积覆盖在瓦茨莱对治疗中的使用减少土壤有机碳。



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