首页> 外文期刊>Biology Letters >Shoreline urbanization interrupts allochthonous subsidies to a benthic consumer over a gradient of lake size

Shoreline urbanization interrupts allochthonous subsidies to a benthic consumer over a gradient of lake size


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The role of resource subsidies across ecosystem boundaries has emerged as an important concept in contemporary ecology. For lake ecosystems, this has led to interest in quantifying the contribution of terrestrial allochthonous carbon to aquatic secondary production. An inverse relationship between habitat area and the role of allochthonous subsidies has been documented on marine islands and assumed for lakes, yet there have been no tests of this pattern among benthic (lake bottom) consumers. Here, we used carbon stable isotopes to trace terrestrial allochthonous and benthic autochthonous carbon use by the crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus over a gradient of lake area, productivity and urbanization. Consistent with findings from terrestrial islands, habitat size dictated the importance of allochthonous subsidies, as P. leniusculus transitioned from using predominantly terrestrial carbon in small lakes to an increased reliance on autochthonous production in larger lakes. However, shoreline urbanization interacted with this pattern, particularly for small lakes where greater urbanization resulted in reduced use of allochthonous resources. As such, we provide, to our knowledge, the first confirmation of the predicted relationship between habitat size and importance of allochthonous subsidies to lake benthic consumers, but found that urbanization can interfere with this pattern.
机译:资源补贴跨越生态系统边界的作用已成为当代生态学中的重要概念。对于湖泊生态系统来说,这导致对量化陆地外部碳对水生二次生产的贡献感兴趣。在海岛上记录了栖息地区与表发条补贴的作用之间的反向关系,并为湖泊假设,但在底栖(湖底)消费者中没有任何测试这种模式。在这里,我们使用碳稳定同位素来追踪小龙虾高枕无类和底栖加工碳的陆地和底栖加工碳使用湖泊面积,生产力和城市化的梯度。与陆地群岛的调查结果一致,栖息地规模决定了表发条补贴的重要性,因为P. Leniusculus从小湖中使用主要的陆地碳,以增加对较大湖泊的自动加权生产依赖。然而,海岸线城市化与这种模式相互作用,特别是对于小城市化导致的小湖泊导致了减少了表征资源的小湖泊。因此,我们向我们的知识提供了第一次确认栖息地规模之间的预测关系,对底栖消费者湖的栖息地规模和重要性,但发现城市化可能会干扰这种模式。



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