首页> 外文期刊>ACM transactions on algorithms >Succinct geometric indexes supporting point location queries

Succinct geometric indexes supporting point location queries


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We propose designing data structures called succinct geometric indexes of negligible space (more precisely, o(n) bits) that support geometric queries in optimal time, by taking advantage of the n points in the dataset permuted and stored elsewhere as a sequence. Our first and main result is a succinct geometric index that can answer point location queries, a fundamental problem in computational geometry, on planar triangulations in O (lg n) time. We also design three variants of this index. The first supports point location using lg n+2 √lgn+ O (lg ~(1/4) n) point-line comparisons. The second supports point location in o (lgn) time when the coordinates are integers bounded by U. The last variant can answer point location queries in O(H + 1) expected time, where H is the entropy of the query distribution. These results match the query efficiency of previous point location structures that occupy O(n) words or O(nlgn) bits, while saving drastic amounts of space. We generalize our succinct geometric index to planar subdivisions, and design indexes for other types of queries. Finally, we apply our techniques to design the first implicit data structures that support point location in O (lg ~2 n) time.
机译:我们建议通过利用数据集中排列并存储在序列中其他位置的n个点,设计称为可忽略空间的简洁几何索引(更确切地说是o(n)位)的数据结构,以在最佳时间内支持几何查询。我们的第一个主要结果是简洁的几何索引,它可以在O(lg n)时间的平面三角剖分上回答点位置查询(计算几何中的基本问题)。我们还设计了该索引的三个变体。第一种使用lg n + 2√lgn+ O(lg〜(1/4)n)点线比较来支持点定位。当坐标是由U界定的整数时,第二种方法支持o(lgn)时间中的点位置。最后一个变体可以在O(H + 1)个预期时间内回答点位置查询,其中H是查询分布的熵。这些结果与占用O(n)个字或O(nlgn)位的先前点位置结构的查询效率相匹配,同时节省了大量空间。我们将简洁的几何索引推广到平面细分,并为其他类型的查询设计索引。最后,我们运用我们的技术来设计第一个隐式数据结构,以支持O(lg〜2 n)时间中的点定位。



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