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Fishermen's Profits Maximization: Case of Generalized Nash Equilibrium of a Non-symmetrical Game


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In the present paper, we consider a bio-economic equilibrium model which describes the dynamics of a fish population fished by several fishermen seeking to maximize their profits. Each fisherman tries to find the fishing effort which maximizes his profit at biological equilibrium without any consultation with others, but all of them have to respect two constraints: (1) the sustainable management of the resources; and (2) the preservation of the biodiversity. With all these considerations, our problem leads to a generalized Nash equilibrium problem. The objective is to show that even when a fisherman i provides a fishing effort equal to twice the fishing effort of a fisherman j, then the profit of fisherman i is not necessarily double that of fisherman j.
机译:在本文中,我们考虑了一个生物经济平衡模型,该模型描述了由数名寻求最大利润的渔民捕捞的鱼类种群的动态。每个渔民都试图在不与他人协商的情况下找到在生物平衡上获得最大利益的捕捞努力,但所有渔民都必须遵守两个限制条件:(1)资源的可持续管理; (2)保护生物多样性。考虑到所有这些因素,我们的问题导致了广义纳什均衡问题。目的是表明,即使渔夫i提供的捕捞努力等于渔夫j的捕捞努力的两倍,那么渔夫i的利润也不一定是渔夫j的两倍。



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