
Formal Verification of Practical MPI Programs


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This paper considers the problem of formal verification of MPI programs operating under a fixed test harness for safety properties without building verification models. In our approach, we directly model-check the MPI/C source code, executing its interleavings with the help of a verification scheduler. Unfortunately, the total feasible number of interleavings is exponential, and impractical to examine even for our modest goals. Our earlier publications formalized and implemented a partial order reduction approach that avoided exploring equivalent interleavings, and presented a verification tool called ISP. This paper presents algorithmic and engineering innovations to ISP, including the use of OpenMP parallelization, that now enables it to handle practical MPI programs, including: (i) ParMETIS - a widely used hypergraph partitioner, and (ii) MADRE - a Memory Aware Data Re-distribution Engine, both developed outside our group. Over these benchmarks, ISP has automatically verified up to 14K lines of MPI/C code, producing error traces of deadlocks and assertion violations within seconds.
机译:本文考虑了在没有建立验证模型的情况下,针对固定安全性测试工具对MPI程序进行正式验证的问题。在我们的方法中,我们直接对MPI / C源代码进行模型检查,并在验证计划程序的帮助下执行其交织。不幸的是,交错的总可行次数是指数的,即使对于我们的中等目标也无法检查。我们较早的出版物正式制定并实施了部分顺序缩减方法,该方法避免了探索等效的交错,并提出了一种称为ISP的验证工具。本文介绍了ISP的算法和工程创新,包括使用OpenMP并行化,该技术现在使它能够处理实际的MPI程序,包括:(i)ParMETIS-广泛使用的超图分区程序,以及(ii)MADRE-内存感知数据重新分发引擎,都是在我们小组之外开发的。在这些基准之上,ISP已自动验证了多达14K行的MPI / C代码,从而在几秒钟内产生了死锁和断言违规的错误痕迹。



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