首页> 外文期刊>Biostatistics >A marginalized conditional linear model for longitudinal binary data when informative dropout occurs in continuous time

A marginalized conditional linear model for longitudinal binary data when informative dropout occurs in continuous time


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Within the pattern-mixture modeling framework for informative dropout, conditional linear models (CLMs) are a useful approach to deal with dropout that can occur at any point in continuous time (not just at observation times). However, in contrast with selection models, inferences about marginal covariate effects in CLMs are not readily available if nonidentity links are used in the mean structures. In this article, we propose a CLM for long series of longitudinal binary data with marginal covariate effects directly specified. The association between the binary responses and the dropout time is taken into account by modeling the conditional mean of the binary response as well as the dependence between the binary responses given the dropout time. Specifically, parameters in both the conditional mean and dependence models are assumed to be linear or quadratic functions of the dropout time; and the continuous dropout time distribution is left completely unspecified. Inference is fully Bayesian. We illustrate the proposed model using data from a longitudinal study of depression in HIV-infected women, where the strategy of sensitivity analysis based on the extrapolation method is also demonstrated.



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