首页> 外文期刊>Acta Agriculture Scandinavica, Section C. Food Economics >The impact of socio-economic factors and incentives on farmers' investment behaviour.

The impact of socio-economic factors and incentives on farmers' investment behaviour.


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This article investigates how socio-economic factors and incentives affect farmers' investment behaviour. The motivation is a need for a better quantitative knowledge of investment behaviour in order to support farmers' investment decisions through extension services and public investment support schemes. Data from a questionnaire survey among 208 Danish pig producers are analysed by use of logistic regression and the relationships between socio-economic factors, investment incentives and farmers' investment behaviour are empirically revealed. The results show that the farmers who rank economic incentives as the most important when making investments are those who yield the best financial results. Off-farm income and partial productivity were also higher on these farms. As hypothesised, young farmers with a large production are more likely to invest in real assets than others. No cross sectional trends relating the incentives for making investments to the investment propensity were identified. One important policy implication of the results is that improved knowledge of the socio-economic factors and their influence on investment behaviour and incentives may reduce the deadweight loss associated with many governmental investment programmes.Digital Object Identifier http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/16507541.2011.642501
机译:本文研究了社会经济因素和激励措施如何影响农民的投资行为。动机是需要对投资行为有更好的定量认识,以便通过推广服务和公共投资支持计划支持农民的投资决策。通过对数回归分析,对来自208个丹麦猪生产者的问卷调查数据进行了分析,并通过经验揭示了社会经济因素,投资动机与农民投资行为之间的关系。结果表明,在进行投资时,将经济诱因视为最重要的农民是产生最佳财务业绩的农民。这些农场的非农收入和部分生产率也更高。如假设的那样,产量高的年轻农民比其他人更有可能投资于实际资产。没有发现与投资动机和投资倾向相关的横断面趋势。结果的一项重要政策含义是,对社会经济因素及其对投资行为和激励措施的影响的了解增加,可以减少许多政府投资计划带来的无谓损失。数字对象标识符http://dx.doi.org/ 10.1080 / 16507541.2011.642501



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